November 30, 2005

Pushback Day-7

The Push back continues and today is Linked in USAF’s turn. He writes in part:
OPTIMISM is almost non-existent in the MSM OSM LAME PMM (Prevaricating Media Machine). In fact, I have been noticing that it is often missed by our fellow milbloggers. I am not asserting that optimism is burying ones head in the sand. The media is doing fine on their own hitting us with their invectives. I submit that we must try very hard to uncover the good and ensure that it permeates the blogosphere until it hits the general consumer. We have a responsibility to those that are sacrificing their all to protect us. Since we are "on the wall" here at home, we must lead by example and fight with the greatest power in the universe: optimism.

On Day 8, please be sure to check in on Carol of! And, if you haven't already, please go back and read up from all the other folks involved in the 14 Day Push Back!

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