December 30, 2005

Reg Henry’s King George: Satire or Syndrome?

In Reg Henry’s latest column “Good to be King George” which can be found here, here, here and here he seems to be implying that the recent NSA kerfuffles exposed in the New York Times is not about President Bush being proactive on protecting the country but rather it is W’s desire to be omnipotent. If this is satire it is satire of the highest order, however, I believe that it is more a symptom of the Main Stream Media’s Syndrome, Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS.)

How can I be so sure? With this quote it becomes obviously clear that Reg Henry and the rest of the MSM are only concerned with bringing down the “House of Bush” regardless the outcome for the country. The quote in question:
“That our own King George -- he of the House of Bush -- is truly of royal blood has become clear in recent days with the announcement that he has empowered the National Security Agency to spy on whomsoever and whatsoever it wishes under royal decree.”

The problem Mr. Henry is that President Bush did not authorize the NSA to spy on whomsoever and whatsoever it wishes, he authorized them to “detect" the international communications of known Al Qaeda operatives and associates operating within the United States for the sole purpose of gathering foreign intelligence on Al Qaeda.” Your hatred for President Bush and his policies is even more evident now that the members of the “fourth estate” have finally realized that you are not a coequal branch of government with the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.

Mr. Henry and his fellow journalists would have you believe that they represent the people as their own personal public defender against the advances of government upon your rights. The truth is, the MSM is only the interested in their "rights" and could care less about yours. When half of the country finally realized that you stood for all that is not right with America they began to not only vote at the ballot box for a better way they began voting with their pocket books. Continue to write your libelous commentary Mr. Henry, the American people see through your false charade and soon you will be the death of your profession.

Mr. Henry does get one thing right, it is good to be the king, the only problem is the MSM is finding that it is no longer king of its trade and soon it will find itself without a kingdom to defend.

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