December 28, 2005

Tucker Carlson is Bothered that’s for Sure.

In Tucker Carlson’s latest essay “Bothered by the NSA story” which can be found here, he apparently is indicating that he is bothered by the NSA story for the simple reason that he doesn’t like President Bush exerting his authority as granted under Article II of the Constitution. He writes, “There are circumstances when the country's interests take priority over its laws.” He is right many Presidents have taken control of publicly and privately owned corporations in time of war, the problem isn’t that he has extraordinary powers according to Mr. Carlson, the problem is that for Tucker the President’s powers are, “…temporary. In the long term -- for instance, in the four years since 9-11 -- a president either has to obey the laws or change them. If Bush believes that the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is incompatible with fighting the war on terror, he should ask Congress to scrap it.” The problem for Mr. Carlson isn’t that this program is in place; the problem is that the President is exerting his authority and power as granted by the Constitution.

The true focus of Mr. Carlson’s essay comes in his seventh paragraph as he attempts to explain to us why the President didn’t go before Congress and ask to use the authority inherent in his position, “Unfortunately that is not Bush's way. Bush distrusts rhetoric. He hates to explain and persuade. He'd prefer to decide and delegate. So instead of taking the time to convince members of Congress -- and for that matter the public -- that the government needs to start spying on Americans, he went ahead and did it in secret.” But as we can see, this is a lie; President Bush is not spying on Americans for his order to the NSA was to "detect" the international communications of known Al Qaeda operatives and associates, no where has he ordered the wiretapping of American Citizens in an effort to catch them doing something wrong as you as so inclined to have us believe.

Mr. Carlson it isn’t the public that needs to be convinced that this operation is legal, we know it to be so, it is you the MSM that needs to be convinced that it is legal for everything President bush does in your eyes is an attack on the American people not because you love this country but rather because you hate Bush. Mr. Carlson is certainly bothered by something but as we can see, it isn’t because the NSA is doing its job, its something else entirely and I’ll leave it to you my readers to decide what it is that is bothering Mr. Carlson.

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