January 26, 2006

Hypocrisy and Coffee

Charlie Munn at The Officer’s Club hits it out of the park with this analysis of the left and their hatred of all things American. Black Coffee Blogging: “Here’s the problem that most people drinking Starbucks coffee and complaining about the president can’t wrap their brains around. We live in the real world, not just in America. There are many dark places in the real world, like the streets of Tangiers, the slums of African urban villages ruled by 14 year-olds with AK-47s, countries in the Middle East where the female half of the population is treated like furniture, and industrial Asian powers who starve their people while indoctrinating them to suicide themselves for “the cause.” The world is a dark, dangerous place. But that’s hard to realize while you’re reclined at your local Starbucks, sipping your vente mocha frappachino. We live in a world of light, because it was hacked out of the wilderness by idealists 300 years ago. We live in a world of light because the Framers of the Constitution declared that all men were endowed by their creator with unalienable rights, and that all men were created equal. America was established with high ideals, protected by oceans, and blessed with a frontier and natural resources as far as the eye could see.”

Right on sir! The hypocrisy of the left is never more evident than in their so called ‘support for the troops when they shoot their offices’ mentality. Their often used and wildly false statements about the military being filled with the least able in our society, and that they are terrorists occupying a foreign nation are but symptoms of their complacency and ignorance on the true workings of the world in which we live. They are concerned more about their own selfish needs and egos than providing for a greater good, a greater good that our men and women in uniform provide for on a daily basis, often times with their lives. George Orwell wrote, "Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf…" and today that statement is never more valid.

For those that would assail our efforts, its time you take a moment and reflect upon how it is that you can live in this country with all of your modern conveniences’ and liberties and not have to lift a finger to protect those rights. For not long ago your ancestors gave their all to provide you with those rights and rough men stand ready to defend them on your behalf, not because you ask them to, but because you refuse to.

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