January 30, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 01/30/2006

A short recon of what’s out there today that might draw your attention.

LTC Delaplaine of Firepower Forward writes An Open Letter to Arianna Huffington: “Now I normally don't let the simpering drivel of the left wing bother me too much, but a column regarding the stability of Afghanistan by Arianna Huffington showed up in Stars and Stripes the other day and it is so far off the mark that it demands a response. So I hope you will indulge my politicizing this blog for a post.”
It’s a must read from someone who really knows what is going on.

WO1 Michael Fay of Fire and Ice writes Breath Deep the Gathering Gloom…: “Getting into OP Ethan was like entering the decaying skeletal remains of a leviathan. The building's roof was flayed off of the rafters and hanging in fleshy tatters. To get to the main part of the OP you had to cross a courtyard thick with the dendrus of battle and, in the light of a full moon, combed by the exposed rafter's jagged shadows.

The Gunn Nutt writes Free to Rock at Walter Reed: “We got permits
Yes we do! We got permits How 'bout You?”

John Hawkins at Right Wing News writes Theories On Why The Left Thinks The Mainstream Media Is Conservative: “The idea that the mainstream media is so kooky, it's right up there with Diebold rigging the elections, conservatives planning to send liberals to camps, and Bush invading Iraq to get revenge for them "trying to kill his daddy"...come to think of it, liberals believe a lot of dumb, obviously false things, so why should this be any different?
But, why do they believe or at least claim to believe this? I have four interlocking theories:”

Trevor at The Will To Exist writes You are reckless and wrong and you need to reconsider your worldview: “So you are anti-war. You think we invaded Iraq “illegally.” You think we’re over here slaughtering innocents and trying to extend an American empire into the heart of the Middle East. You’ve protested. You want to impeach Bush. You believe America is headed down the wrong path. And you’re completely wrong about all of it. If you’re still willing to listen I’ll explain why…”

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