February 17, 2006

The Slippery Slope!

The Slippery Slope that the Pro-Choice crowd promised would never happen; has begun as Democrats pressured the FDA to approve the Morning After Pill RU486 (MAP) for over the counter sales.

Liberals say ready access to the pill could reduce unintended pregnancies and abortion, but some Conservatives fear it would increase teen sex and promiscuity. Concerned Women for America a group opposed to this legislation has pointed out that the morning-after pill (MAP) lacks testing for safety to women. Access to the drug over-the-counter, or without a prescription, would prompt use among consumers who, unknowingly, have medical conditions that put them at high risk of life-threatening complications.

While I differ with my party on the issue of abortion, I do agree that readily access to MAP could have some terrifying unintended consequences. There really is no proof that MAP or Plan B is safe for teens or what its long term effects on the body are. The morning-after pill is a high dose of the birth control pill, which requires a medical exam, a prescription, and physician oversight. Birth control pills can cause significant or life-threatening conditions such as blood clots, stroke and heart attacks. Birth control pills are contraindicated for women with diabetes, liver problems, heart disease, breast cancer, deep vein thrombosis, and for women who smoke and are over 35. Physician oversight is necessary to ensure that none of these contraindications exists. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 1.85 million women of reproductive age (18 – 44) have diabetes; approximately 500,000 do not know that they have the disease.

NOTE: I had originally planed on writing about Maryland’s foray into this issue but as I researched the AP article more, I realized that in true AP fashion they failed to adequately research the matter completely and simply re-posted a story about MD’s Senate Bill 541 and House Bill 1141 from the 2005 session. Asshats!

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