February 8, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 02/08/2006

A short recon of what’s out there today that might draw your attention.

Huntress at Diary of a Hollywood Refugee writes And on the subject of Shit Floating.... “While I have remained silent on everything that Antonia Zerbisias writes, I finally opted to comment on her blog about her latest piece of trash she pawns off as intellectually enlightening, (I swear she and Joel Stein must have been separated at birth!).”

Pam at Iraq War Today writes My Two Cents - There Must Be Something in the Water Really. “Someone needs to start testing the Potomac. The water on the left side must have lead in it, 'cause the Dems are really starting to lose it.
For starters, the behavior at the NSA hearings was contemptible. I thought we were talking about the balance of security and rights - about the law. Apparently we're talking about campaigning for 2008. This exchange, in particular, was pathetic:”

Master Gunner of Tanker Brothers writes New Iraqi Army: Better And Better: “In yet another example of the ability of the New Iraqi Army to enforce security in Baghdad, forces captures the "Number 4" leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq…Look at the page that I pulled this article from: The Times Of India. Isn't it strange that such a momentous event in the security of Iraq isn't being covered by the Mainstream media? Why?”

Captain Ed of Captain’s Quarters writes Using The Dead As Soapboxes, Part II: “I suppose after having watched the Paul Wellstone funeral here in Minnesota four years ago, I shouldn't be shocked by Democrats turning bipartisan shows of respect at memorial services into partisan sniping. President Bush and his family had to endure the bad taste of several speakers who used Coretta Scott King's funeral as a forum to snipe at his politics:”

Leon H Wolf writing at RedState posts Defending Jyllands-Posten: “It seems that the point of departure for the discussion of the Jyllands-Posten cartoons on RedState (even for those who believe that Muslim reaction has been wildly inappropriate), is that the Jyllands-Posten was irresponsible for printing deliberately inflammatory cartoons. Indeed, I began my first substantive post on the issue with much the same assumption. However, with each passing hour, more information comes to light which tends to discredit the claim that even non-offensive images of Muhammed are ipso facto legitimate cause for protest in the Muslim world, and further tends to implicate Danish imams as the real inciters of Muslim outrage.”

WO1 Michael Fay of Fire and Ice writes Two For the Road: “All good things must come to an end. This sojourn to Iraq is quickly drawing to a close and Friday night I'll start my return trip to the land of the big PX. For a final time an ASR number will be scrawled on the back of my left hand. In the darkness one last "seabag drag", weighted down with ALL my gear, into the back of a waiting helo. The dark expanse of Iraq will glide below us. Into memory will fade golden fragments of light spilling out from windows and doorways of Iraqi homes.”

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