March 27, 2006

Give Yale the Finger

Since March 8th Clint Taylor a '96 Yale alumnus has been driving a campaign to make Yale atone for their acceptance of Taliban mouth piece Sayeed Rahmatullah Hashemi to a special student program, and admit that the acceptance of Sayeed is political in nature and a jab at President Bush and the War on Terror.

If you’d like to show your outrage at Yale’s decision to admit the Taliban’s spokeman, join us in "giving Yale the finger." It would be disgusting– not to mention really painful — to mail your own fingernails, but you can buy glamorous, decadent, shameless-hussy-scarlet press-on nails (ask for "nail tips") from any drug store or beauty shop. They’re cheap; a box costs about $5.00. (Caution to Harvard-educated readers: do not eat the press-on nails. Sure, they look tasty, but they will make you sick.)

Send them
to Yale’s Office of Development, along with a polite (or not-so-polite) letter explaining what you think of their decision to admit Rahmatullah:

Yale University
Office of Development
P.O. Box 2038
New Haven, CT 06521-2038

What’s more, you can also send a nice red fake nail or ten to Yale’s President, Richard Levin, at:

President Richard C. Levin
Woodbridge Hall
Yale University
New Haven Connecticut 06520

If you do have some connection with Yale, please tell them so in your letter and explain that you are withholding your donations until they end the disgrace of allowing America’s unrepentant enemy an opportunity which thousands of smart, deserving kids in Afghanistan, America or anywhere, who have been studying diligently instead of shilling for a brutal regime of retrograde, misogynist, terrorist-abetting, drug-running, Buddha-blasting, gay-murdering, freedom-hating tyrants, never received.

Feel free to point out the hyprocrisy of Yale’s decision to admit Sayeed Rahmatullah Hashemi, who supported a regime that killed homosexuals, stoned women, tortured / killed many, and destroyed Buddhas, even though Yale
keeps ROTC off campus and files briefs with the Supreme Court protesting the military’s right to recruit on campus.

This issue isn’t going away anytime soon but we can hope to make Yale’s decision one that they will never forget. Clint along with three other Yale alumni, is tracking the story of the Yale Taliban on Townhall's Nail Yale blog stop by and lend your support.

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