April 26, 2006

Desert of Death

“As our bags were loaded into the Land Cruiser for the journey toward Dasht-e-Margo, the Desert of Death, a man wearing a bomb closes in. Before striking off, we again visit the PRT in Lashkar Gah, where Steve huddles with some Afghan employees. An entire British Army unit has defected, he said, with their weapons and equipment. The Afghans grow quiet, until Steve says, “And they joined the Taliban.” Thus begins Michael Yon’s most recent dispatch Dasht-e-Margo “Desert of Death.”

Once again Michael pulls us along hanging on his every word as him and his companion barrel across the desert of Afghanistan encountering poppy fields and avoiding enemy patrols. Ah the poppy fields, this is the bane of all that is Afghanistan for this crop brings in more revenue to Afghanistan than all other crop revenues combined. And this year’s crop is a bountiful one sure to end up in Europe and America feeding the addictions of our sick and fueling the Taliban with its dollars.

Follow Michael on his patrols through Afghanistan and the Desert of Death.

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