April 12, 2006

Illegal Immigration A Winning Strategy

John Hawkins of Right Wing News writes today that “If the GOP were united on illegal immigration, we could beat the Democrats brains out politically on the issue. Just look at the backlash that's being created by these incredibly obnoxious illegal immigrant rallies:”

I’d have to agree with him completely on this matter, in my Open letter to Ken Melhman, I stated exactly that, they have forced me to become a single issue voter simply on their obnoxious stance on illegal immigration. Let’s get it straight people, they are here illegally! There is no denying it, so why are you so afraid of enforcing current laws that deport them back and secure our borders. Having them here only keeps the wages of the poor unnaturally low, this should be the main talking points for the Living Wage group, but they seem deadly silent on the matter of illegals that are anathema to their entire position.

He concludes by writing: “All it would take to make this happen would be to split border security and immigration enforcement, which is extremely popular with people from both parties, from a guest worker/citizenship program, which is incredibly controversial with people in both parties. If the Democrats want to argue that we should leave our borders wide-open for months or maybe even years while we debate a controversial guest worker program, let them make that argument, but that's certainly not the position that Republicans should be taking.

The GOP should unite behind a simple principle on illegal immigration: "Secure the border and enforce our laws." After all, since Americans overwhelmingly seem to agree on at least that much, why not start there and leave the more controversial ideas to be settled later? It would be the best thing for the country and for the Republican Party.”

The ball is in your court Mr. Mehlman, if you really want my money and my support, get tough and get the party in lock step on this issue…your and our future as a Sovereign country is at stake here.

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