April 3, 2006

War Like You Have Never Imagined

Huntress of Diary of a Hollywood Refugee brings us a wonderful story of F Troop 82 Cav and their self filmed documentary “Scouts Out.”

She writes:

On August 16th, 2004 Fox Troop, 82nd Cav, based out of Oregon mobilized in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom III.

War is hell, but from the ashes of death and destruction, rises hope, and new beginnings.

During their year long deployment in Iraq, and with the help of the generous citizens of Oregon, they distributed 2000 pairs of shoes to Iraqi children, as well as lots of candy, toys and clothing. They also had the unique opportunity to capture their humanitarian efforts on film as they watched "their kids" grow up.

Produced by First Lt.Rich Paetz, the documentary, titled "Scouts Out" was shot entirely by the soldiers from their perspective and will include interviews with the soldiers and their family members "because", as Rich reminded me, "…it was their war too."

Stop in and read it all, and then call John Kerry and let him know that you have video proof of our troops “terrorizing” the locals in Iraq by treating them humanely and with compassion.

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