April 5, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 04/05/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.

Michael Yon writes Back To War “In the few months since leaving the war, I’ve crisscrossed the United States several times, talking with infantrymen in their twenties and veterans in their eighties, helicopter pilots, special forces soldiers, families and friends of wounded and killed warriors, all for a book about the Deuce Four’s Battle for Mosul. But it’s time to take a break from writing to let the facts and details steep. I’ve headed back to war.” [Ed note: Ladies and gentlemen, when Michael arrives in Iraq and begins his next series of dispatches, you will not want to miss a single one. If you’ve never read any of Michael’s work you are in for a wonderful experience, if like a lot of us who found Michael through his writings about the Deuce-Four Infantry in Mosul you won’t want to wait a moment longer. Good Luck Michael and May God keep you safe!]

Confederate Yankee gives us this. Dixie Check “Natalie Maines this one’s for you.”

Omar at Iraq The Model writes Baghdad without newspapers. “I am addicted to reading newspapers; part of it is because of the little work I need to deal with at clinic. There are four or five of us dentists in the clinic on the average day and we rarely treat more than three patients per day which means I can spend a whole week without having patients to take care of and this leaves us with plenty of extra time to waste while we're there.”

Charlie Munn of The Officer’s Club writes A Brief Explanation of the Problems in the Mid East, Part 2 “In a previous post I discussed, broadly, the history of the Muslim world and why it is different from the West in general and America in particular. I didn’t want to get into some other aspects of the divide, but after I read this article, I thought it best to describe some religious and cultural differences.”

Jack Army writes Meet the new boss... “...One of the key points I'll be drilling home is this: "it's not about me anymore". What I mean is that from here on out, our preparation and activities aren't for ourselves. They are for our fellow Soldiers, for our mission, for our country. There can be no half-steps. We can do nothing less than 100% because 99% means that we let our buddies down 1% of the time and I'm not satisfied to do that.”

Master Gunner of Tanker Brothers writes Master Gunner: Derails McCain-Kennedy's Immigration Bill! “Check this out, loyal readers: If this crazy "Amnesty" bill actually passes, then I will begin researching how to obtain a refund from the BCIS for all costs incurred in bringing my wife (who is German by birth) over the LEGAL way.”

Expose the Left has Dean on The Situation Room: It’s The Republicans Fault We Are Losing Races (VIDEO) “After countless mentions of that “Republican Culture of Corruption” we keep hearing about, Howard Dean couldn’t deliver one solid issue that the Democrats believe in. Saying we’re going to “balance the budget” or “rid DC of corruption” doesn’t mean anything. In fact, Wolf went after Dean and showed him the following poll.”

Crazy Politico writes Breaking the Logjam “The Senate Republicans are at odds over how to word a possible bill on immigration. The Democrats are jumping with glee that they are united, though with a bill that would prove so unpopular that most of congress would get kicked out in the fall elections.”

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