May 16, 2006

Giving Through Golf Initiative

While sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office this morning I was perusing the magazine selections and settled upon Washington Golf Styles Magazine (, not because I’m a golfer, in fact I’m a horrible golfer, but simply because it was the most recent, May 2006.

To my surprise I came across a photo of a one legged golfer, who happened to be Army Specialist Sean Lewis, Specialist Lewis is a Soldier, he is also a golfer and reminds us that the human spirit can triumph even over adversity that might set others back. Specialist Lewis’ leg was amputated after he sustained injuries in a mortar attack in Iraq.

The paragraph written by Carl Levesque, which accompanies the picture, goes on to describe how Olney Golf Park, MD owner Tim Landres has been offering free lessons and practice time to injured soldiers since Billy Bartlett a volunteer at Walter Reed Hospital and a Vietnam vet approached Landres about giving Walter Reed patients a discount.

Desiring to do more Landres launched the Giving Through Golf initiative, hosting a Veteran’s Appreciation Day last year and raising more than $20,000. That money goes toward special-fitted golf equipment and possibly a disabled golfer tournament.

If anyone knows Specialist Lewis, give him my heart felt thanks for his service to our country and his unwavering desire to excell no matter the obstacles. Hoooah!

Editors Note: I’m not sure if this is related to the PGA Wives Giving Through Golf initiative, but it appears that the PGA Wives initiative allows members to donate funds to the charity of their choice. So all in all it may be related but I do not know. If any one knows for sure please let me know.

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