May 5, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 05/05/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.

Captain B writes “So you have a plan to attack and conduct a terrorism act against America. With full intent to kill and destroy as many people as you can. You help plan and conduct the plan against an organization with mischievous intent backed with evil. You committed your crimes in an especially heinous, cruel or depraved manner; and you committed your crimes knowing others besides the intended victims might die; and that you used substantial planning or premeditation.”

Chris writes Sand, Sunburn, lots of flying time, the biggest hornet you've EVER seen and a camel train........ “How's that for a title?
Past couple days have flown by. That's what you get when you flying in a helicopter all day visiting all the forward operating bases (FOBs) that are pretty much on the cutting edge of freedom. But, according to the subjects above, we'll start with the sand.....”

Midnight in Iraq writes Thoughts from the Firmbase “Sweat glistens on foreheads as eight young men packed into a 15’ x 15’ room eat, sleep, and otherwise pass the time in another local Iraqi home turned firmbase for 96 hours. It’s pretty warm today—the warmest it’s been yet. It’s only mid-April and Marines are already returning from foot-mobile cache sweeps looking as if they had a bucket of water dumped over their head. Their cammies soaked through from mid-thigh all the way to upper-arm, they hydrate constantly, and it’s barely enough to regain the fluids they loose on a single patrol.”

American Soldier writes Stranger in a strange land “Actually I’ve been doing very good as of late. I am in a groove now and I am keeping things on a positive note. Avoiding triggers whenever possible and taking it day by day.
I haven’t forgotten about continuing the Soldier story, just stay tuned for that. Just so you all know that I have gotten all your messages and forgive me if I have not replied. I have some catching up to do.”

Mohammed at Iraq The Model writes We're almost there… “The process of forming the cabinet has reached a good milestone that promises an end to the long disputes that consumed months over who-gets-what especially when it came to security-related posts that are no more a problem, actually some analysts and politicians expect the next 24 hours to witness the announcement of the final formation of a large part of the cabinet.”

Neptunus Lex writes Of boycotts, and blowback “Regular readers of this page - including some who disagree with me - understand that my personal opinion in the immigration debate is quite nearly as muddled as the problem itself. I support border enforcement as a necessary component of national sovereignty, while confessing that I am off-put at the probable human costs attaching to the notion of forcefully deporting some 10-12 million souls - people who have come here to make a life and escape grinding poverty by doing necessary work that few, if any, of the native-born would consider.”

John Hawkins of Right Wing News writes A Blogger Teleconference With Ken Cohen, Vice President of Public Affairs at ExxonMobil “Today, I was in on a blogger teleconference with Ken Cohen, Vice President of Public Affairs at ExxonMobil. I actually had to move on at the one hour mark, but Cohen was still going, which is kind of unusual. But maybe that's because Cohen has probably never been on the line with a group of people who were so positive and supportive of Exxon outside of his own shareholders. The Human Events guys were even giving him advice on how to better get Exxon's side of things out to the general public. It was viva la capitalism all the way, baby!”

Sgt Hook writes On United 93 “OK, I finally managed to sneak away and see this incredibly moving film, and now feel compelled to share my thoughts. I found that I had to wait a few days to allow my emotions to level out before putting into words my feelings. Let me give you the Bottom Line Up Front (what we in the military affectionately refer to as the “BLUF”): GO SEE IT. I know that it must be difficult for some to relive the emotions associated with September 11th, and I respect that, but after watching this movie, I am of the opinion that United 93 ought be mandatory viewing for all Americans between 17 and 24 years of age from here on out.”

Andi of Andi’s World writes Cindy Sheehan Invades Canada “Cindy Sheehan is in Canada hoping to carve out a safe haven for those who don't take their oaths seriously.
American anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan wants the Canadian government to grant sanctuary to U.S. army deserters.
"I'm just here begging the people of Canada to force your government - because your government works for you, ...because your government does not work for war profiteers - to allow our soldiers to have sanctuary up here," she said.”

John at OPFOR writes My Name is John and I'm a Propagandist “About a week ago, I was accused of being a government propagandist, presumably for the work I do here on OpFor.
The jab got me thinking. The word "propaganda" has become such an overused cliche that we've lost it's meaning. We hear it and we automatically start playing the word association game, you say propaganda and I say nazi. Or Soviet. Or fascist. You get the point.”

Jay Tea at Wizbang writes A new principle of international relations “Yesterday, I read some news that led me to a startling conclusion. I had discovered a new rule, a new principle of international relations that tied together a bunch of events and trends. And like all great insights, it is stunning in its simplicity:
There is no situation so bad that it cannot be exacerbated by the French.”

Crazy Politico writes Manipulating Markets “The Washington Post editorial board has an interesting way to reduce oil consumption in the US, tax our way away from it.
That's what they are advocating in "An Opportunity on Oil". Instead of the tried, and failed "gas guzzler tax", which didn't stop people from buying Hummers and Expeditions, they are now advocating a sliding tax on oil anytime the price gets too low.”

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