May 24, 2006

While Others Debate, They Serve

Mr. Stokely replies to my post, We Must Tell Their Story “Because They're Everything to Us” with this email:

[T]hanks for sending me this great post about 1st Lt. Seidel III.

This weekend, we will remember lives from generations past to present who died and made a difference. It is not for the MSN to decide what difference is made, or not. It is the life committed to service that is a difference in and of itself and the ultimate commitment is giving one's life in this service to our country, the values we hold, and freedoms we so dearly crave and cling to.

As to the MSN, they should look no farther than their very own ability to report from Iraq today versus three plus years ago under Saddam Hussein and therein, the question is begged and answered - fine men and soldiers like 1st Lt. Robert Seidel II, SGT Bobby Hollar, SGT George Draughn, SGT Mike Stokely and thousands more like them made the difference and MSN can freely report, even distorted reports, without being put in a tree grinder, shot in a stadium, thrown off a balcony, or gassed. That is the difference made by our brave and courageous soldiers who fought for freedom and especially those who died. WHILE OTHERS, INCLUDING THE MSN DEBATE, THEY SERVE!!!!

Thank God for us all that they so willing do.

Robert Stokely
proud dad SGT Mike Stokely KIA
8/16/05 near Yusufiyah Iraq south of Baghdad

"While others debate, they serve."

You've said that before and it is so true. Others are only interested in hearing their own words, words spoken without any conviction other than to be heard by themselves, on the contrary there are plenty who do not speak words but rather they serve, and serve they do, in foreign lands, distant shores and down the street, protecting the right of others to speak there empty words.

Thank you for your service!

And I will never forget!

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