Say it again…500.
It sounds good doesn’t it? Well let me make it sound even better, VALOUR-IT just shipped its 500th laptop to assist a wounded trooper. Yes, you heard me right, 500 units shipped.
How do I know this? Because Fuzzybear Lioness the idea maker behind this incredible organization posted it on her site.
As she says:
A million thanks to all who have made this project a success--the companies who have worked with us, the hospital volunteers that distributed the laptops, the bloggers and others who got the word out, and the corporate and individual donors who continue to give at levels that stun me.
I’m stunned too Fbl, but I know we can all do better, so lets click that donate button in the right side bar or this one right here!

Thanks everyone, I know 500 wounded and recovering troops are now celebrating in their own special way.
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