June 1, 2006

Political Correctness on Trial

Finally we might see the Academic Left get its comeuppance with this court case, thanks to this article by Thomas Lifson and Richard Baehr. Seems a professor was fired after 14 years of service because he committed the crime of speaking out against the Pro-Palestinian, Anti-Israel group thought that has come to dominate all of Academia.

Hat tip: LGF

DePaul University Political Correctness Faces Trial
June 1st, 2006

Over a year ago we alerted readers to a very significant case involving outrageous abuse in the name of political correctness. Thomas Klocek, who taught at DePaul University for 14 years, was summarily fired for the “crime” of speaking to the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian mindset that has come to dominate the DePaul campus. A ruling yesterday cleared the way for a trial that promises to rip the mask of academic respectability off of a university that has behaved despicably.

A defamation suit was filed in Illinois’ Cook County Chancery last June charging that DePaul University and its leadership defamed Professor Thomas Klocek when DePaul publicly characterized arguments he presented to members of Palestinian and Muslim student groups as racist and bigoted. The suit seeks damages against DePaul for maligning Klocek’s integrity and professional competence. The defendants named include: DePaul University; Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, President of DePaul; and Susan Dumbleton, Dean of DePaul’s School for New Learning.

Yesterday, Judge Stuart Nudelman of the Illinois Circuit County Law Division Court agreed that Klocek’s claims have merit, which will allow his suit against DePaul to move forward toward a trial by jury. Klocek’s advocates characterized the Judge’s statements in court this way: (read it all)

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