June 20, 2006

Their Liberal Sensibilities are Killing Us

I don’t know why I’m amazed at the thought process of the left, perhaps it’s the fact that after years studying the Constitution and in every Constitutional Law class I ever took there was someone that just didn’t get the concept that the Bill of Rights is the foundation for all of our laws in this country. They are like many things in politics compromises, but once having reached that compromise they are irrefutable and virtually unchangeable. I say virtually, because the Constitution does allow for the Amendment of Amendments as well as the Articles set forth by the Constitution, but it takes a major force to make changes to the Constitution and its Amendments: Article V lays out the basic rules by which change can occur within the Constitution and its Amendments, which indicates that either two thirds of both Houses or the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, and that when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress, the Amendments shall become law.

The thought process that confuses me the most though is that coming from our current Democratic party and its members, or more correctly, from its far left leaning members these members feel that if something happens that they don’t agree with that it must automatically be a violation of the Constitution and therefore suspect or criminal, and if it is constitutional then somehow the Constitution is wrong. I still have no idea how the prosecution of the war in Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) by President Bush is somehow illegal, when only one Democrat: Russ Feingold, voted against authorizing President Bush to begin prosecuting the war. President Bush even went so far as to enlist the assistance and aid of nearly two dozen other countries; all members of the United Nations, in prosecuting the war, and yet, the liberals still find fault with the President and his Cabinet; Bush and Co, as they are want to call them. These liberal voices call for the impeachment of the President and his cabinet and yet give free a pass to those members of their community, they make excuses for them and do all they can to protect them from prying eyes, and call any questioning of their ideals a witch-hunt.

The liberal voices in the Democratic Party speak highly of promoting civics and encouraging others to take part in the political process but then cry foul when the results don’t go the way they wanted. They speak of why democracy matters, and why the political process only works when everyone is involved, and that politics is a noble calling, but for them these ideals only apply when you are in lockstep with their beliefs. They cry about a culture of corruption that is running fervent in our political system but they see only one boogey-man: Bush and Co. They bemoan our low standing in the eyes of our foreign brothers at the UN and blame it on their boogey-man, and conveniently ignore the fact that the US has always had a low standing in the eyes of the world. We were either too strong or too pushy or we are too weak. It’s not a zero sum game and yet somehow the liberal voices always find someone else to blame, for our shortcomings. Is it any wonder that we now have generations of young American’s growing up with no sense of personal responsibility when the Liberal voices continually blame someone else for our lot in the world?

In their minds the true culprit of all that is wrong in the world can be placed squarely at the feet of the US. A country they claim to hold in great esteem and wax patriotically about, but only when it suits their purpose. Those of us outside the Liberal thought process are constantly finding ourselves under attack from a party that believes in the inclusiveness of all, but only when the included fit into a particular mold, or stand for a particular ideal, or represent another vote. The great melting pot where we all become American’s has been replaced by the Balkanized society, a Hyphenated America created by their ideals where patriotism for your country is only an acceptable belief structure for those in other countries. Where our own laws and customs have been replaced by the fictional construct of the Gene Rodenberry’s; United Federation of Planets where everyone gets along and military might is only wielded by the Federation.

Where the twisted philosophy of the needs of the few out way the needs of the many and collateral damage is some sort of government conspiracy to commit genocide, forgetting that the term collateral damage was adopted because those same liberal voices could not handle the honest truth that in war sometimes bad things happen to those that are not partaking in war. The liberal voices speak of a strong military that can defend their way of life, but take away the funding that is necessary for the military to do its sworn duty. They speak eloquently about the nobility of military service but only for those that can not “cut it in the real world,” forgetting that those noble creatures that seek out military service are the only public servants operating in the real world, they do not sit sheltered in their homes, or offices thinking of theoretical solutions to the world’s problems, they are solving the world’s problems. Nation-building is a dirty and dangerous task, our fore-fathers that the Liberal voices love to quote knew this, but the current Liberal voices seem to live in some romantic notion that nation-building is all dialogue among civilized men, but it is far from that.

For the current liberal voices the problems of the world can be handled as they are in Massachusetts, where if there is a problem the way to solve the problem is to simply: pass a law against the problem, no enforcement required. Daily, resolutions and laws are passed at the national and local level that serve to promote only the legislator’s personal agenda to be re-elected. As a nation it does us no good to pass laws for the simple act of passing laws if we are going to ignore them once they are adopted, but that is the liberals way, they are a nation of laws unto themselves, they pass laws against speech that offends them, thoughts that go against their sensibilities and unseen offenses that somehow keep others back from succeeding. They demand rightly that skin color not be used against someone applying for a job, but then use skin color as a deciding factor in who is educated and who is not.

Those same liberal sensibilities control the academic outlets in this country and abroad and for them only the approved message is allowed. No dissent, no debate is allowed. This belief structure has found its way into the political structure of the Liberal voices and once again, no dissent, no debate is allowed, what they speak is Gospel to them and is irrefutable, even when the evidence points to a different conclusion. Their sensibilities ignore the fact that they can be wrong and that there are people in this world that wish us harm simply for who we are and what we represent, not for what our policies are towards them or those like them but simply because we are a threat to their own power in their home. We still are in the eyes of many in this world “a bright shining city on the hill,” but for those that hate us that bright shining city is not a beacon to a better life but rather a flame that ignites the seed of rebellion in their own country. Yet somehow, the liberal voices see us as a threat to all of civilization; our radical talk of freedom for all, for those basic inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness somehow is the cause of all that ills the world. If only we would keep those thoughts to ourselves and stop trying to spread them around the world, or at the very least allow one of their own to lead us in the proselytizing of freedom.

In their anger at not leading this charge, they now instead seek to destroy our path. To extinguish the fire of freedom that has been lit in the hearts of the Iraqi’s and Afghani’s and instead they take up the patriotic stirrings of an isolationist mentality where the evils of the world will go away if we only ignore them. They find unheard of Constitutional offenses and bring one complaint after another that only serve to benefit those that seek our demise. They are in point of fact traitors; they are the ugly American that does anything for their own gain and damns those that won’t follow in lockstep with them. They now seek to include in their patriotic and ideological thoughts members of the enemy, they give them fellowships to our universities in one breathe and complain in another that nothing is being done to stop the threat of another attack. They scream of the tactics being employed to protect our country for they aren’t “civilized enough” and yet they cry that we aren’t doing enough to protect us. It is as always; their sensibilities are the only true sensibilities, there is no dissent or debates allowed, and damn us all for their sensibilities are going to get us all killed.

It is as Bill Whittle writes in his most recent essay, Rafts; that at one time the difference between political parties was only as wide as your neighborhood street. In the end we were all still American’s looking for a way to secure freedom in the world for us all, but in recent years, two decades even, that difference has become greater than the greatest ocean and it seems that we have lost our way. No longer are we a single country with slight differences on how things should be done for those liberal voices instead view each political party as sovereign nation states operating in the confines of the same geographical boundaries. In essence we are at war with ourselves and it is a war we can not survive for our enemies are waiting for us to chew each other up so that they may go back to the plundering of their own people as the shining light on the hill is extinguished forever, for in this war there will be no victors to enjoy the spoils of war. Can we as a people do as Bill recommends and look at our maps and see that yes we truly are a single nation, that we are all Americans, or will the liberal voices that dominate the Democratic party not allow that type of dissent, and destroy us as a nation once and for all?

Its your choice, do we continue to allow the traitors to dictate our national and foreign policy and to set the limits on what is and is not acceptable to debate or will we return to the republic that we are and let all of our voices be heard, and then civilly debate the matter at hand. The anger in politics these days is not coming from this quarter, if the Liberal Voices demand a more civil debate; perhaps they should re-evaluate their own sensibilities’.

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