July 15, 2006

Do you remember?

Pam at Iraq War Today writes a compelling essay on why she believes Israel deserves our assitance and friendship in this theatre of the War on Terror. She writes:

My Two Cents: No Mercy

Worst case scenario, we're looking at World War III here.

Best case scenario, we're looking in a battle of World War III here.

Let's face it, we're IN World War III - it's just that there are a lot of people who don't seem to get that.

The War on Terror, as I've said before, isn't a theoretical one. It isn't a catch phrase. It's real. Muslim extremism is a threat to the entire world - not just the western world. Muslim terrorists are responsible for the deaths of innocents on a daily basis - as of this post, more than 5,358 documented attacks since 9/11.

And nowhere has that conflict been highlighted in the past several decades than Israel. It never ceases to amaze me that the entire world seems to want to blame Israel for defending its right to exist. Then again, maybe not such a surprise - they do the same to us. Heck, even our own legislators do the same to us.

I will grant that the way Israel was initially created was not ideal. [Ed Note: For that matter neither was the formatin of Iraq, Saudia Arabia, and most of the Middle East, all are constructs of the European need to define things.] But then again, neither was World War II. The fact is, they're here. Talking heads, from our Arab "friends," to the Pope, to the UN, to the EU, to nutcases like Ahmadinejad, are condeming Israel for defending itself. As they always have. Israel is a convenient target in a world that decries condeming all Muslims for the actions of an "exremist few," but is all too willing to condemn Israelis for self-defense, to ignore anti-semitism. After all, it's not their problem, is it?

Read the rest...

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