July 5, 2006

Murder by Proxy

*Note this "really" will be my last post until I am home from surgery.*

Mr. Stokely forwarded me an email that he sent to another blogger which said:

"I respect free speech. I respect your right to free speech. I do not think that gives you or anyone else license to use Mike Stokely's name in a manner which seeks to propagate your views which I can tell you are wholly contrary to what he believed as to his service as a soldier and service in Iraq. As such, I ask that you respect my dead son and the views he had enough not to use his name again.
thank you,
Robert Stokely”

The blogger Mr. Stokely sent that email to is Eric. Eric writes a blog entitled: “Left Over Right -- Politics and Media from the left point of view” and this is his post:

Never Forget "You all know I from time to time list the names of the fallen soldiers in Iraq. On this Fourth of July let's remember the sacrafice [sic] they have made for Halliburton so people like Cheney can make millions. That's why they are there.
Remember those responsible for this will pay in the long run."

Well Eric here is what I think of your misuse of the names of those brave men and women:

Eric is a lost soul, looking for some attention. Like most of those opposed to the war they are only opposed to it because one of their men isn't running the show. His statement in an earlier post that the Republican's have no plan and the Democrats do its called "Ending the War right now." shows that he has absolutely no touch with reality. He is right that we should never forget those brave men and women who gave their lives to protect their fellow man and extend the concept of freedom and democracy to those less fortunate, but his reason for remembering them is totally off base. Iraq is not a war to make some company rich it is but one front in the Global War on Terror. Iraq and Afghanistan, which you apparently have no problem with, is the same war. They are if you are familiar with the terms different theatres.

The Global War on Terror, or more correctly radical militant Islam, is currently being fought all over the world: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Siam, Philippines, Bosnia, Chechnya and numerous other countries. Ending the war right now is not a plan it’s a childish stunt like taking the ball home when you are loosing a game. Staying the course and leaving when the Iraqis can govern on their own is a plan and its one that historically has been proven to work, Germany, Japan, Korea are but a few examples.

To destroy a regime on Monday and leave the country on Tuesday, which is what Eric is presenting as the Democratic Plan for Iraq, would create such a power vacuum that only the strongest and most evil would rise to the surface. The end result would be Saddam version 2.0. And in a short time there would be no one left to deliver into democracy; for everyone who stood for anything in that country would be buried in a mass grave in the desert.

Mike Stokely knew this and so does every man and woman serving in the Armed Forces today fighting for freedom around the world. "De Oppresso Libre" to liberate the oppressed, has always been the motto of the Special Forces of the US Army, today that ethos is the driving force behind every military action the US Government undertakes. Like it or not Eric your Government, our Government, voted to go to war with Iraq in support of UN resolutions. You and those who think like you fixate on 16 words spoken 5 years ago, that in your mind was the only basis for going to war, the imminent use of WMDs by Saddam on the US, but as usual you heard only what you wanted to hear, and now that the truth of those words are coming back to haunt you, you are confused.

There is obviously a disconnect in the world of the left wing, between reality and fantasy. In their world it is all one big conspiracy, everything that happens to them is because someone else did it to them. Their candidate didn't loose the election it was stolen. Their heroes (Guevara, Stalin, Marx and Castro) aren't murderous criminals they are misunderstood patriots. Their representatives in Congress aren't self-serving egocentric people, they are speaking truth to power. Those who can be labeled conservative are somehow the enemy to every living person in America and the entire world and yet those on the left pray at the alter of abortion and murder. They speak out against the inhumanity of the death penalty and yet in almost religiously zealot manner protect the right to kill the unborn. They cry about National Security, but allow the press to expose our methods of conducting the war.

Eric those brave men and women whose names you defame on your blog did not die in a war to make Halliburton rich or their stock holders richer, they died extending the rights that you were born into to a people that only knew of those rights as some ethereal utopia. You don’t deserve such rights, for you have forsaken your country and your heritage for an election. You are the sunshine patriot and the summer soldier, only willing to serve your country when the demand is low and the cost almost nothing. Like it or not Eric: you are the reason we are still in Iraq fighting a shadowy enemy, for your dissent emboldens the enemy and destroys the moral of the American Soldier.

You are the reason that list of names is added to on a daily basis, not President Bush or Congress or the Republicans who are doing all that is in their power to provide those brave men and women who failed to shirk from their duties, it is your fault, you murdered those men and women, it is on your conscience that will rest their souls.

Every time you speak out in your misguided way that the war is wrong you add fuel to the fire of the enemy.

Every time you cry “bring them home now from this illegal war” you add legitimacy to the cause for which the enemy espouses.

Every time you cry about freedoms being taken away to protect your country, you give the enemy one more route by which to attack us.

Every time you cry about “war for oil” you add money to the enemy’s bank account.

You Eric are the cause of this prolonged war, not me or the soldiers still on the front lines, or Congress, you! You are murdering our country by proxy, and in the end you will have committed suicide by proxy for when you wear down the morale of our Soldiers and they cease to fight the good fight, you have allowed the enemy to win, and in that end, none of us are safe.

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