By Gen. George W. Casey Jr.
Multi-National Force - Iraq
Commanding General
Last week the world witnessed a historic event as the Multi-National Force - Iraq transferred security responsibility of al-Muthanna province to the provincial governor and civilian-controlled Iraqi security forces.
The handover represents a milestone in the successful development of Iraq's capability to govern and protect itself as a sovereign and democratic nation. Al-Muthanna is the first of Iraq's 18 provinces to be designated for this transition to Provincial Iraqi Control or PIC.
As Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced on June 19, the joint decision between Iraq's government and MNF-I to hand over security responsibility is the result of al-Muthanna's ability to take the lead in managing its own security and governance duties at the provincial level.
The transition decision also reflects a joint assessment of the overall threat situation in al-Muthanna, the capabilities of the ISF and the provincial leadership's ability to coordinate security. Coalition transition teams and other enablers are in place to smooth the transfer process and Multi-National forces stand ready to provide assistance if needed.
With PIC transition and acceptance of security responsibility, al-Muthanna demonstrates the progress Iraq is making toward self-governance and security self-reliance. The transfer of security responsibility in al-Muthanna province is just the first step in a new phase in the history of Iraq. PIC is a deliberate process to transfer security responsibility to Iraqis at the provincial level.
Coalition and Iraqi leadership created a joint committee to develop the conditions necessary for appropriate Iraqi civil authorities to take Provincial Iraqi Control. The committee, working with provincial governors assessed the security situation in each province by mutually evaluating an agreed-upon set of criteria.
Over a period of several months, Coalition and Iraqi leadership determined that al-Muthanna had attained the requisite capabilities and PIC transition was scheduled. As conditions are met in the months ahead, other provinces will transition to PIC.Several other provinces are close to meeting the criteria necessary to assume security independence.
Iraq's government and Multi-National Force - Iraq will continue to transfer security responsibilities in other provinces in Iraq as conditions are achieved.
Australian, Japanese, and United Kingdom forces assisted al-Muthanna authorities as models of international cooperation, providing economic and humanitarian assistance as well as security and stability. As Iraq develops and its needs continue to evolve, so too will the nature of international assistance to Iraq in al-Muthanna and elsewhere.
The United States will provide $10 million in order to enhance quality of life for the citizens of al-Muthanna as they take a bold and courageous step forward in the country's movement toward an independent and secure nation. This event represents significant progress by the government of Iraq to achieve a constitutional, democratic, and pluralistic Iraq, which guarantees the rights of all citizens.
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