August 22, 2006

BDS Explained - By The Leftards

Emperor Darth Misha I informs us that at least Kevin Drum, has the courtesy to be honest about his affliction:

"For example, should I be more vocal in denouncing Iran? Sure. It’s a repressive, misogynistic, theocratic, terrorist-sponsoring state that stands for everything I stand against. Of course I should speak out against them."

So why doesn’t he? Well, you can hear the “but” coming from a mile away, followed by the explanation:

"And yet, I know perfectly well that criticism of Iran is not just criticism of Iran. Whether I want it to or not, it also provides support for the Bush administration’s determined and deliberate effort to whip up enthusiasm for a military strike. Only a naif would view criticism of Iran in a vacuum, without also seeing the way it will be used by an administration that has demonstrated time and again that it can’t be trusted to act wisely."

…and only a demented loon deep in the throes of irrational and insane hatred of a particular political party would choose to ignore the torture, misogyny, oppression and suffering of millions of innocent civilians because speaking out against it might benefit, politically, the President of your own country that you happen to hate more than hate itself.

That you hate more than you hate terrorism. That you hate more than you hate homosexual teenagers being hanged, women being stoned, dissidents being tortured and killed. That you hate more than you hate the blowing up of innocent Iraqi civilians murdered by the proxies of that vile regime every day. That you hate more than you hate their proxies in Lebanon raining missiles down on Israeli hospitals and schools.

Now tell me again that liberals aren’t clinically insane.

I'm with you on that assessment, anyone that let's their hatred of a single person drive their entire thought process and even makes then not denounce evil simply because it could be construed as supporting the target of their hate needs some serious help!

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