August 18, 2006

Bush Phobia May Prove Fatal

BY Daniel Henninger
Opinion Journal from WSJ

New York City on Wednesday released more audiotapes from September 11, the day whose realities won't go away no matter how corrosive and divided our national politics become.

What are the realities of 9/11? Oliver Stone's movie, "World Trade Center," released a few weeks ago, conveys the horror, valor and loss that day. That is one reality.

The more enduring reality is the one manifest last week when British authorities stopped a plot to destroy perhaps 10 passenger planes over the Atlantic Ocean: Five years after September 11, radical Islam remains an ideology whose active intention is to annihilate civilians around the world on a massive scale, and to do so repeatedly.

On Sunday, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff put before us the reality that should, but doesn't, transcend all the others now. "We've got to have a legal system that lets us . . . prevent things from happening rather than . . . reacting after the fact." But we don't.

Read the rest...

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