August 23, 2006

A Christian Case for War

If you are a reader of T.F.Boggs blog then you will definitely want to stop over and read Sgt Boggs’ father let us know how he arrived at a Christian case for this war. He writes rather tauntingly to the liberals out there who find peace a more enticing meal than freedom:

It saddens me to increasingly find that Christians too, have been brainwashed by the effects of post-modernism to the point that they can’t recognize the difference between good and profound evil. In Scott Peck’s book People Of The Lie, he tells of different case stories of such people; people that all suffered from extreme narcissism. One set of parents gave, as a Christmas present to their only son, the rifle used by his older brother to commit suicide. When Peck asked them why they would do such a thing they had no clue as to the inappropriateness of the ‘gift’ and replied, “Why not, it’s a perfectly good gun!”

If you can’t see the difference between 1) an Israeli doctor who treats Arabs and Jews in his emergency room as equally deserving his care and 2) the terrorist who soaks the nails in rat poison before packing them in a suicide belt to be strapped on the body of a retarded teenager and sending him to a pizza parlor; or between the two societies that each come from and by which each are regarded as great and moral persons, then you have lost something crucial to your humanity. Are all Americans, all U.S. soldiers, all Israeli’s always morally good people? No. Are all Palestinians, all Arabs, all Muslims morally bad people? No. Is there at present a fundamentally moral difference between the two cultures out of which these two sets of people come? Very definitely- yes!

If you can no longer see these distinctions or if you think that I am too simple to grasp that life simply is not that black and white, then I say “fine. We are at an impasse and our ways of reasoning are incompatible and further discussion is a waste of time for both of us. This may be sad but it’s a fact. Have a great life!”

My plea is to those who can and do make these distinctions.

Bravo Dad, I can’t wait to read part II!

Mr. Boggs avoids the just war theory that so many of the intellectual camps require before they will even consider allowing someone else to take up arms and instead drills down to the basics of the argument, that this war is a fight against evil, a fight against Islamic Imperialism, and because of it he takes some heat in the comments section.

Stop by and offer your support but more importantly, stop by and read what he has to say, our lives depend upon it.

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