August 3, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 08/03/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.

Some Soldier’s Mom writes They Just Want You Dead “According to, the following piece about how Americans should have interpreted and reacted to a series of events occurring well before the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. began hitting our inbox in March 2003. It originated with a speech given by Navy Captain Dan Ouimette before the Pensacola (Florida) Civitan Club (a service organization) on 19 February 2003. (Although many versions of this speech describe Captain Ouimette as "Executive Officer of Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida," March 2005 news reports of a training crash identify him as "commander of Training Air Wing 1." Bravo Zulu, Capt. Dan! BZ!” (read more)

Crazy Politico writes Murtha Needs A Lawyer “I wonder if John Murtha saw this lawsuit coming? Evidently a Marine who was at Haditha in Iraq when the supposed slaughter of 24 civilians occured has decided to sue John Murtha for libel and defamation. The suit was filed the same day the Corps came out and said the preliminary investigation shows there probably was an illegal killing of unarmed civilians, though no charges were announced.” (read more)

Victor Davis Hanson writes Riding Off Into the Sunset “’The end of cowboy diplomacy’ Time Magazine recently announced of George Bush’s supposed turn to softer talk and more multilateral policy-making. The growing beltway consensus is that the beleaguered President finally awoke to learn that he could no longer posture as the lone ranger on the frontier. Rather, in a interdependent, sophisticated global world, there is apparently no place for his easy “smoke ‘em out”, “dead or alive” world view — or even those post-9/11 photo-ops of Bush driving his pick-up around the “ranch” to chain-saw brush while wearing a Stetson and shades.” (read more)

Gateway Pundit writes Terrorists Bury Bombs on Soccer Field, Kill 14 Children In Baghdad “As it stands right now there were 28 killed in the Qana attack on Sunday, down from 54, 16 of them were children. Leaflets were dropped on the town weeks before the attacks warning people of the likelihood of violence. Meanwhile, at least 14 children were murdered today in Baghdad while playing soccer at two different fields where terrorists had buried bombs in the pitch hoping to kill the children who would be playing ball there.” (read more)

Red Hot Cuppa Politics writes Questions, Questions about Quana ... “So, the WashingtonPost's blogster Jefferson Morley is writing about a "Qana Conspiracy" ‘As Hezbollah wins support throughout the Middle East in the aftermath of the Israeli airstrike that killed at least 57 Lebanese civilians over the weekend, an alternative view of the attack is emerging in blogs -- that the incident was actually staged by Hezbollah.
This "story" is a useful companion to last week's post about watching the war as it unfolds on the Web. The Qana conspiracy theory not only underscores how the Internet can misinform (an old story), it also reveals a popular demand for online content that attempts to explain away news reports that Israel (and by proxy, its closest ally and arms supplier, the United States) was responsible for the deaths of dozens of women and children in a Hezbollah stronghold.’ Hm. Do you have to go any further to see where his bias is?” (read more)

Quid Nimis writes Repudiating Kooks “One of the thing I like about the way the Republican Party has evolved is that it has done a fairly good job at repudiating the kooks. David Duke and the KKK have been personae non gratae for decades, having been made unwelcome by the party when many Southern Democrats switched allegiance. You don't hear much about the John Birch Society anymore, or any of the fringe elements that used to be associated with fringe kookdom of the Right.” (read more)

Most Certainly Not writes GUESS WHAT! The Shirts are HERE! “Just wanted to make it official. The t-shirts for the Rolling Victory Fast 2006 have arrived! Those who placed their orders during the pre-ordering stage will receive an e-mail when Hubs makes it to the post office with them. They will be mailed out no later than Friday a.m., however.” (read more)
The Belmont Club writes The World as Lebanon “The Hashmonean has extensive analysis on IDF ground operations in Lebanon, including a map which shows current movement to date. In the south, he identifies three main areas of attack involving 6 brigades: west, center and east. Of the western prong, Hashmonean says, "what will be interesting to see on this prong is how far the IDF goes in regards to Tyre (on the map as Sour). Tyre is where the rockets hitting Haifa are believed to be originating from it is a big city with a heavy duty Hezbollah presence".” (read more)

Pamela aka Atlas Shrugs writes THE GAZA BORDER, FRONT LINE IN THE GLOBAL JIHAD “First the North, where yesterday there were over 230 rockets were fired at civilians and two Iranian missiles made it further into Israel than ever before. With each launch the barbarians learn more. Yesterday I spent the top of the day on the Gaza border. The most reasonable, rational voices I have heard in this country are those in the war zones, both civilian and military.” (read more)

Mohammed of Iraq the Model writes The Arab media, between Baghdad and Beirut. “Although we have greater issues to be concerned about here in Baghdad I feel I must talk about the Arab media and its deception campaign and that's because wars in both Lebanon and Iraq are largely the same. In both cases the media functions not only as a means to deliver news but had long turned into an effective weapon that is not the least interested in objectivity or factuality. The Arab media shamelessly sided with terrorism (or resistance from their perspective) and this propaganda machine funded by the evil powers in our region continues poisoning the minds of their Arab audience to feed the totally needless hatred towards the world.” (read more)

John Hawkins of Right Wing News writes When 66 Senators Change Their Vote, It Tells You A Little Something “Over a 3 week period, 66 Senators changed their vote? That tells you everything you need to know about which side has the momentum on illegal immigration and here's a newsflash: It isn't the open borders/amnesty crowd. You look at which members of Congress are standing tall on the illegal immigration issue and talking openly and proudly about which way they voted to their constituents and again, newsflash: It isn't the open borders/amnesty crowd.” (read more)

Master Gunner of Tanker Brothers writes My Frustration With This "Middle East Peace" Nonsense Continutes: “Hamas and Hizbullah (and you really have to address both in this context) can cetainly be destroyed as organized entities. You eliminate the leadership, you destroy thier ability to arm themselves and attack you, and you dry up their funding: they will go away for good. But when you talk about eliminating anti-semitism: it will never happen. Jews have been persecuted since at least the time of the ancient Egyptians. We're talking thousands of years.” (read more)

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