August 4, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 08/04/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.

Expose the Left has Levin Challenges Colmes’ Blame Bush, Praise Clinton Stance On Middle East Crisis (VIDEO) “Wearing his trademark ‘Clinton Happens’ hat, radio talk show host Mark Levin, The Great One, appeared on Hannity & Colmes to face off the dynamic duo, Alan Colmes and loveable liberal Bill Beckel. Surprisingly, Levin and Beckel agreed on Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah. However, Alan Colmes attempted to champion Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter as ‘engaged’ in the conflict and George Bush as ‘disengaged’. Well, let’s just say Colmes got schooled:” (read more)

Michelle Malkin writes Blackface diaries: Lamont and the nutroots “US Senate candidate Ned Lamont of Connecticut, darling of the left-wing blogosphere, is now running as fast as he can from the nutball bloggers who have zealously promoted his campaign against Sen. Joe Lieberman from its inception. (Today's Vent gives the overview.) And he's lying through his teeth in his effort to rid himself of the stain. Reeling from the idiotic blackface stunt pulled by his close blogger confidante, Jane Hamsher, yesterday, Lamont actually told News Channel 8's Jamie Muro this:” (read more)

Col. Donald J. Myers USMC (Ret) writing at Hernando Today writes Peace comes when Hezbollah is destroyed “In reading the mainstream media or watching the news on TV, one would assume the Israelis are the bad guys. They are being accused of using excessive rather than proportionate force against the Hezbollah, and the only people suffering are the Lebanese. The fact that about 2,000 rockets have been fired at civilian targets in Israel is barely reported. Most of the world is demanding an immediate cease-fire and condemning Israel, especially since an Israeli air strike hit a residential apartment building in Qana, Lebanon that killed dozens of civilians. What is really going on?” (read more)

MaryAnn of Soldiers Angels’ Germany writes NY's Bravest Volunteer in Jerusalem
“New York's firefighters show us what they're made of...again: Eleven New York firefighters put their lives on hold this week and paid their way to Jerusalem, where they have been volunteering in a number of understaffed stations.” (read more)

Master Gunner of Tanker Brothers writes The Stupidity Of The Anti-War Journalists Knows No Bounds... “I just can't believe it. Try as I might, I just don't get it. Charley Reese is a supposed "respected syndicated columnist", and I can't believe a lowly Tanker Brother with a piddly 31 GT score can pick apart his pathetic logic to expose him as anything BUT objective. Or maybe I should say "expose him AS a butt." Don't believe me? Here we go:” (read more)

Andi of Andi’s World writes Who Was John Murtha's Source? “Whatever happened on that day in Haditha, it appears to have been bad. That's not to say that our Marines are guilty of murder, or that they should be convicted in the court of public opinion and stripped of the presumption of innocence. If anyone deserves the presumption of innocence, it is these Marines. Unfortunately, that's a concept that one ex-Marine and lawmaker doesn't seem to understand, just one of the reasons he is now being sued. So, back to square one. Who briefed John Murtha on Haditha, and when? In an interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer, Murtha claims that General Hagee provided the information on which ‘he based his charge.’” (read more)

Maj P writing at OPFOR writes Peacemaking & Peacekeeping “I will admit up front that I am no fan of peacekeeping efforts, especially when they are run by the UN. Having deployed twice to Somalia, I witnessed how well the UN plays its role as a King Midas in reverse: it touches something and turns it to feces. Also, I believe that peacekeeping missions contain inherent contradictions and are thus doomed to failure from inception. If you need a force to keep the peace between two (or more) warring sides, there isn’t really a peace to keep, now is there? And if the peacekeeping force doesn’t have the teeth or the will to actually keep the peace, then the whole exercise becomes a farce.” (read more)

Beth of Blue Star Chronicles writes He Ain’t No Saint “If the written word were still expressed on paper, I think I’d be mourning the fallen trees wasted to provide the reams of paper needed for the feeding frenzy documenting the Fall of Mel Gibson. As it is, with the seemingly endless coverage of this story, I suppose I should be grieving the wasted bandwidth, gigabytes, and whatever magic enables images and speech to leave one place and bounce off a satellite and end up on television sets around the world.” (read more)

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