September 12, 2006

Ralph Peters’ Fog of Confusion

By Robert Spencer

Ralph Peters, retired military officer and author of several books on this present conflict, has published an op-ed in the New York Post entitled “Islam-Haters: An Enemy Within,” which is one of the most confused and irresponsible pieces I have ever seen in an American newspaper -- and with the state of the mainstream media these days, that’s saying a lot. Even worse, Peters’ column was praised by the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto and others, only contributing to the fog of misunderstanding and disinformation that envelopes the public discourse about jihad terrorism five years after 9/11.

Peters is exercised about “a rotten core of American extremists” -- right-wingers, of course, who are worse than Leftist appeasers because they insist that “Islam can never reform.” If you “read between the lines, that all Muslims are evil and subhuman.”

Zowie! Who are these awful, Hitlerian bigots? Peters never tells us. Nor does he give us even a shred of an example of how they imply (nudge nudge wink wink) in ways that are clear to discerning fellows like Ralph Peters, that “all Muslims are evil and subhuman.”

Read the rest...

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