A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.
Kobayashi Maru writes Choosing Sides - Part III “In reading British journalist Melanie Phillips' hot-off-the-presses and well-worth-the-wait book "Londonistan", a thought has finally crystallized: The long-simmering current of thinking in the West that denies universal truth, morality and reason, seeks a multicultural tower-of-babel and a tossed salad of rules and expectations (rather than the assimilationist melting pot of unapologetically Judeo-Christian-inspired Western civilization that preceded it) has been primed by PC-Marxist-liberal koans now virtually taken for granted to interpret any attack on the prevailing culture, society and legal framework as more legitimate than the framework itself.” (read more)
Allahpundit writes Video: Daniel Ellsberg urges leaking of Iran war plans on Colbert “Colby’s been a leader of the Resistance since he bombed at the White House correspondents dinner, so while the venue might seem inappropriate, it isn’t. Jeopardizing national security has always been heroic if it undermines the Bushitler, but tonight it actually became hip. Good stuff.” (read more)
Jay Tea writes The Devil is in the Details “When the leader of a nation criticizes another leader publicly, using strongly religious terminology, the left finds itself in a bit of a dilemma. Before they can properly evaluate the flagrant conflation of church and state, with a temporal figure using the language and rationale of faith to espouse worldly policies, they first need to determine the target of the criticism.In the case of Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, his usage of strongly Christian language, gestures, and dramatics in attacking President Bush at the United Nations the other day, the case gets muddled. The left would normally be very concerned about such a powerful figure using religious trappings to make his point.” (read more)
Dean Barnett writing at Hugh Hewitt writes Chavez's Speech? Blame Bush! “Hugo Chavez has been up to his typical antics the last couple of days, but this time maddeningly on our own soil. His comments have even drawn a stern rebuke from as relaibly a partisan Democrat as Charlie Rangel. But Massachusetts congressman William Delahunt offered a considerably more nuanced take on things. While Delahunt did label Chavez’s comments “silly” and “inappropriate,” he offered a clue as to where he thinks the real blame lies.” (read more)
American Soldier writes For What it’s Worth! “As of late I have often reflected on the past year events. It was a year ago that I had returned from the relief efforts for Katrina. I was dealing with some things that would steer me towards volunteering for Iraq. To be quite honest life had taken a different direction. I had a book deal, my career was very solid. Externally it would appear that life was good. However I was dealing with some things that really influenced me to go to war. I wanted to experience that aspect. I wanted it in my life.” (read more)
Captain Ed writes Even The British Can Diagnose Democratic Fecklessness “The fading fortunes of the Democratic Party in the run-up to the midterm elections have become common knowledge even thousands of miles away. Only a few weeks ago, Democrats confidently discussed the chair assignments in a House run by a Speaker Pelosi instead of a Speaker Hastert. Now that confidence has deflated, and even the Times of London can diagnose the bumblings of a national party with no real agenda:” (read more)
Jack Army writes What will we do with out you? “JILL and I have comms via Yahoo! Messenger. We get to chat about once a day or so. Some days more, some less. Needless to say, JILL worries about me. I worry about her, too, but she's not in a war zone, so it's not the same, of course. Tonight (morning for her) we had a talk we hadn't had before. I don't know why, but it never came up. She knows that I'm proud to be here in Iraq and that I have wanted to come here for a long time and do my part. I think every Soldier thinks that way. We don't enlist to sit at home and watch CNN. We made that commitment because we feel a strong desire to contribute to the greatness of our country and our time.” (read more)
Neptunus Lex writes Conditional Service “It’s hard to believe we’re going through this again. Flush with his presidential election victory in 1992, President Clinton attempted during his first weeks in office to impose new hiring rules on the US military by executive fiat, proclaiming a unilateral right to change the federal law that governs the US military, in particular that code which barred people from service who were openly gay or lesbian. In doing so, he ran straight into a brick wall of Congressional opposition - after all, as the legislative branch, Congress felt that they had some right to be heard on the matter of what federal laws should or shouldn’t say.” (read more)
John Hawkins writes The United Nations Fails A Gutcheck On Iran “Here's an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal editorial that points out how utterly and completely the United Nations has failed in dealing with Iran: ‘Hugo Chávez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put on quite a show at the United Nations this week, and it's tempting to dismiss it all as mere bombast. Except that their assertiveness can't be separated from the more important U.N. story this week, which is its continuing failure to come to grips with Iran's open defiance of the Security Council's demand that it suspend uranium enrichment.’”(read more)
Maryann of Soldiers’ Angels Germany writes I want to do one more thing for these young men and women... “You may know from this blog that Soldiers' Angels supports our wounded and ill troops medevaced to Germany from Iraq and Afghanistan. But you may not know that support from our Wounded Team begins long before that, at the Combat Support Hospitals in the war zone.” (read more)
Master Gunner of Tanker Brothers writes Building A Bridge Across The Religious Divide... “I found an interesting letter in Florida Today that was written by a reader who called the outrage over the Pope's Comments as utter madness. Now, I already know how Tanker Brothers and Sisters feel about the issue, but I find it interesting that so many other people are starting to wake up to the fact that the "Religion Of Peace" isn't quite so peaceful.” (read more)
Bill Roggio writes A Zarqawi Letter and a Potential Merger with Ansar al-Sunnah “The Iraqi government has released a letter that highlights the differences inside al-Qaeda. The letter was seized at the site of the death of former al-Qaeda in Iraq commander, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and was written by Attyia al-Jaza’ri. Al-Jaza’ri is described as "an Algerian high-ranking figure of al-Qaida," by the Stars and Stripes. Al-Jaza’ri means 'the Algerian', and he is a member of al-Qaeda's Mujahideen Shura, according to an American intelligence source.” (read more)
Stop the ACLU has ACLU’s Disinformation On Public Expression Of Religion Act Exposed “Rees Lloyd, former ACLU attorney and the commander of American Legion District 21, has written an excellent article at WND exposing the ACLU’s disinformation about the Public Expression of Religion Act. After showing how deceptive the ACLU has been in its battle against the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial, Reese breaks down the ACLU’s lies and explains the truth about the Public Expression of Religion Act.” (read more)
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