September 22, 2006

The White Man's Burden...

...[C]ontinues with Part V: Who’s Next, or Where Do We Go From Here?

Jay Tea continues to expand on his original premise with some thoughts on who our next threat is, his analysis might suprise some.


Life isn’t fiction. Reality isn’t nice and tidy. “Stories” seldom have clean endings; as one series of events winds down, others tend to ramp up, fizzle out, or go merrily on utterly on their own. And while events like wars often have formal ending dates, the post-war efforts can take years, if not decades.

And in the time of war, unpleasant decisions have to be made. As I said earlier, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” might be a good short-term solution, but historically it has often been a case of today’s ally of convenience becomes tomorrow’s foe. It happened with the Soviet Union, with Iran, and with Iraq, just to name three examples.

Read the rest...

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