September 27, 2006

Why Don't More People Know About This Man?

Via Blackfive, OPFOR and ThreatsWatch:

MSNBC has produced a series of a few "Faces of Courage" 60 second Vignettes. First to be released last evening is SFC Paul Smith - the man that gave his life to save his soldiers during the Invasion of Iraq, yet not many people know who he is. He was awarded the Medal of Honor.

John Noonan of Op-For uploaded the video to YouTube. Here it is:

MSNBC is to be commended for spending the resources on this project - particularly at a time when the war is not popular with the media. The good folks at ThreatsWatch.Org have the right idea - we need to send emails to MSNBC :

Help us to encourage MSNBC to produce and release more of these by emailing MSNBC at heroes (at) msnbc (dot) com.

Want to help spread the word? Post the YouTube clip on your blog, and send an email to MSNBC, then tell everyone you know to do the same thing.

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