October 11, 2006

A GWOT Soldier Needs our Prayers.

If you went to the Inagural Milblog Conference in April of 2006 then you had to have met Stacy of Keep My Soldier Safe (now G.R.I.T.S.) well Stacy is in need of some prayers for her soldier Michael, for after surviving an 18 month deployment her soldier Michael was in a motorcycle accident on Sunday of this week (October 8).

Some Soldiers Mom reports:
Spoke with Stacy a few hours ago... Michael was in surgery... he had awakened early in the afternoon. He's not happy about being there and wants to go home (that will be a while). They put a screw in the broken pelvis and a plate and screws in one arm. Got pain for sure. Stacy says he is holding his own and doing well (under the circumstances). It is going to be a long road to recovery. She asks that everyone keep praying.
Stacy we love you, Lady. Thinking and prayin' for you all.

And Stacy is reporting that:
You just can't get any sweeter than that. He is probablly going to kill me after he sees all these pictures.

Our prayers are working but he will need lots more. Please stop by and let her know you are thinking of her and hers at this difficult time.

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