October 4, 2006

Our True Moral Courage

Kat in Ga (Yikes!) brings to our attention a comment on her blog. No it’s not a moonbat lashing out but rather a serious commenter that has written in a single quote why it is what we do for our troops.

The quote was left by bonnie and is from I.L. Meagher, editor of PTSD Combat: Winning The War Within:

"How loudly we cheered them onward as they laced up their boots has no relevance once they've done their job. It's how well we took care of them when they return that really defines our true moral character."
If that isn’t the epitome of why we are doing what we are doing and the antithesis of what the left is doing I don’t know what is. Those of us on the pro-military/pro-victory side aren’t out there writing and standing on street corners outside military hospitals for our own gain, we are out there for their gain, their support, their moral courage. They are “OUR BOYS and GIRLS” behind those walls and in those hospital beds and we owe our lives and freedom to their sacrifices. They are not pawns in some political chess game to be used for personal or political gain, they are OUR BOYS and damn it they deserve to be treated better.

For the Code Pinkers and those on the left that say they “support the troops but not their mission” you are using our men and women in uniform as your personal feel good account and are robbing them of their honor for your personal gain. You are like thieves that steal form someone else for your own benefit but instead of steal personal goods and money you are stealing honor and freedom; two words the meaning of which you do not understand. If you truly supported the troops you wouldn’t be protesting them outside of their hospital rooms instead you’d be fighting in Congress for better benefits, instead of looking for like minded individuals whose only support is to cut and run, that is not support.

Our true moral character is not something that is won in an election nor is it a sound-bite for the evening newscast; it is something that is ingrained in us, a code of honor and sacrifice that every one of us that puts on a uniform understands. Those great men and women deserve better than your self-centered desired of fame and political victory, they deserve your undying respect. If you disagree with the war in Iraq, fine that is your prerogative, but protest to the government and your political leaders and stop demeaning the service of those you say you support, your communist anti-America screed is no longer accepted in the presence of those that make it possible for you to be wrong.

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