November 3, 2006

Mike Luckovich Has No Idea

Mike Luckovich and The Atlanta Journal Constitution has yet to issue an apology for their reprehensible use of the image of our military dead all in the effort to make a joke of Rush Limbaugh. When the feeble attempts by John F. Kerry to make a joke become worldwide news why is this rqually feeble attempt swept under the rug?

Mr. Stokely provides this photo of a real flag drapped casket of one of our heroes and shares his continued thoughts on the matter:

I share this with you, even though it is hard for me to pull it out and look at the two photo's put edge to edge to make one; the top photo of the image is Mike's casket just before being taken in for his funeral, with the church steeple reflecting in the glass of the hearse; the bottom photo is the honor guard bringing Mike in.

This photo brings back moments I wish I could forget, moments that will never be without pain, and a final moment at his grave side where, for the first time in my life, I wanted to die myself, for I was past a breaking point of emotion and pain. But for the steeled eyes of "DUTY SERGEANT" who stared t me with eyes of steel that spoke to me and lifted me past the moment, I would have broken.

Mike Luckovich has no idea, just no idea. I pray he never experiences what I experienced by the mere fact this photo exists in my life.

Robert Stokely

The left demands that they be given access to photos of our dead soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines' at the ramp ceremonies and upon their arrival in the states, is it so they can make more crude jokes about their sacrifices? Or is it to honor them in the manner to which they are deserving?

Mike Luckovich has no idea thats for sure how much honor these fine men and women truly deserve.

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