December 18, 2006

Army Engineers Work to Improve Iraq’s Oil Export

By A. Al Bahrani
Gulf Region South - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

BASRAH, Iraq - The regime change in Iraq has opened many new opportunities and important development projects in the southern oil fields of Iraq. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is working on various projects to ramp up oil production for the new democratic country and help improve Iraq’s economy.

One important project is the Al Basrah Oil Terminal (ABOT), formerly known as Mina Al-Baker. ABOT is considered to be the gateway to Iraq’s prosperity.

“Right now oil is Iraq’s major export. It isn’t easy to increase oil exports, but the Corps has plans of raising the crude output to meet three million barrels per day in 2007,” said Bob Tillisch, oil program manager with the Basrah Area Office of the Gulf Region South District. He said experts estimate Iraq has about 115 billion barrels of oil reserves, concentrated mainly in the south.

“The main objective of the ABOT development project is to create a strong and reliable source of income for Iraq, improve Iraqi living conditions, and create new opportunities for employment,” Tillisch said.

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(Photo: The Al Basrah Oil Terminal, or ABOT, is Iraq’s principle export facility located near the Persian Gulf. Photo by David Anderson.)

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