December 12, 2006

Should Holocaust Denial Be a Crime?

Iran recently convened a Holocaust Convention where such notables as David Duke and Rabbi Moishe Arye Friedman a leader of a branch of "jewish scholors" that makes the Phelps Clan look like schoolgirls, met to deny for the entire world that the Holocaust ever happened. European nations denounced the convention as they should for they know as do any of us that have walked the silent grounds of Dachau or Aushwitz, the brutality of the final solution.

Over the past decades several European countries have made it a crime to deny that the holocaust ever happened, but is that the way to ensure that genocide of that nature never happens again? Do we honestly need to make denying a universal truth with abundant evidence a crime? Or can we just laugh openly at those that deny the historical record?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may be a holocaust denier and that in itself should be enough for us to know that his beliefs are not grounded in reality, making his beliefs a crime serves no purpose but to elevate him in the eyes of those ignorant of the facts.

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