January 29, 2007

8 Hostages Rescued, 9 Terrorists Detained in Arab Jabour

Release A070127c

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces rescued eight Iraqi citizens who had been tortured while being held hostage in Arab Jabour Wednesday. During the same operation, ground forces also detained nine terrorist suspects while conducting a raid targeting a vehicle-borne improvised explosives devices network.

According to the hostages who were tied up and hidden in an underground bunker, they were tortured, beaten, deprived of food and water and told they were being held for ransom. One of the hostages reported he had been held hostage for 50 days, and another for 47 days. Another hostage indicated the terrorists had captured other Iraqis and tortured them before receiving ransom payments.

Ground forces stated the hostages were very afraid for their safety and looked as if they had been physically abused and severely mistreated.
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