January 12, 2007

Volz Has It Wrong - Again

Today local Opinion writer Joe Volz wrote another screed against the President and the Global War against Islamic Jihadists. His reply to the President is not unlike Cindy Sheehan’s continuous cries against the administration.

As for the direction of Iraq there can be no mistaking it Mr. Volz, a free and democratic society is our only option. Were mistakes made? Damn right mistakes were made the biggest being that the rules of engagement (ROE) are too strict and force our best and brightest to out into a hostile world that seeks to kill them, with no hope of protecting themselves until it’s too late. When the ROE state that the troops can not initiate deadly force unless they have already been attacked you have already stacked the deck in favor of the enemy. That is no way to fight a war and any attempt to make war pleasant and neat will only result in death to our best and brightest before we can kill the enemy.

For someone who is so upset that our best and brightest are dying in Iraq he can’t even get the facts straight on where our best and brightest are actually fighting when he writes that “Right now, Frederick Marines are patrolling the unforgiving desert trying to protect Iraqi oil pipelines.” In his rush to judgment against Bush’s “War for Oil” he doesn’t even know that our local Marines (4th LAR – B Co.) are patrolling the Euphrates River as Dam Support Unit -3 in the area of Haditha, Iraq, protecting among other things the Haditha Dam, Iraq’s largest provider of Hydroelectric power. Haditha for your information is 149 miles West of Baghdad and almost 300 miles away from the oil fields in the South and East. Amazingly the Marine’s destination was reported in your own paper, but I guess the rhetoric didn’t fit the big picture, did it?

Surprisingly; Mr. Volz now admits that Vietnam was a defeat for the United States and yet, he demands that the US follow the same play book this time as it concerns Iraq. What was that quote by Einstein the left loves to use to describe President Bush: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Funny that’s exactly what Mr. Volz is proposing with his demands that we all just say it’s too much to pay and run on home. Who’s insane now Joe?

One final question, when President Bush was “staying the course” and not planning on increasing troop strength in Iraq and the Democrats as well as you were demanding that the war was being mismanaged with too few troops, why are you now opposed to sending in more troops? Is the goal to destroy the Islamic Jihadists in Iraq or is the goal to simply bash Bush?

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