February 17, 2007

The Speech No Politician Would Ever Give

Pam of Iraq War Today sends an email entitled: My Two Cents: The Speech No Politician Would Ever Give

She writes: Fortunately, I’m not a politician. I’d never make it, ‘cause I’d say what I think. For instance, if I were to give a speech to Congress today, here’s what I’d say:

Over two centuries ago, Thomas Paine said, “These are times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

Today, in the House of Representatives, delegates met, and passed one of the most important resolutions in American history. Though a non-binding one, this one resolution – this one vote – says more about the character of the American body politic than hundreds that have gone before. And what we have learned is that Mr. Paine’s words are as true now as they were then, for surely Congress is filled with sunshine patriots.

Yesterday's vote was about a war, but it is much more than that. The abominable resolution passed by the House sends a message that will echo in the halls of history, and will no doubt be recorded as the day that America set its course for decades to come.

There are those in Congress – now a majority, who have elected as their leaders individuals who would say that this war has been based on lies, that it has made America less safe, and that it is a failure. The same voices say that to do so, and indeed to pass this resolution, is not un-American.

I would agree.

So would I Pam, is disgraceful that our elected leaders would turn their backs on reality, and basically say to the troops they sent into the filed, "thanks but no thanks." What is the worse thing about this vote, the vote is completely a waste of our tax payers money and time. It holds no teeth, its a frustrated teenager thretening to move out if they don't get their way and then just falling down on the bed and sleeping the night away.

Its cowardice pure and simple and now we know who the cowards are.

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