February 26, 2007

A Step into the Fetid Swamps

What passes for cutting edge reading and analysis at the Daily Kos? If the recommended diaries are any indication it’s not good. At the top of the list is a post pushing Wesley Clark’s efforts to derail a war that hasn’t even started: To stop a war by jasmint53. Yes you heard me right; Retired General Wesley Clark has founded the StopIranWar.com campaign and joined forces with the Iraq war vets of VoteVets.org.

Up next is a piece of satire that can only be considered juvenile at best as diarist JekyllnHyde writes "Gore Oscar in Doubt," Says Supreme Court of the United States. You read that right folks, the diarists at DK have now taken to writing fictional pieces about Gore being stripped of his Oscar for the “documentary” An Inconvenient Truth. While I believe he should be stripped of his Oscar for other reasons concerning his fauxumentary, the kos kids believe it will happen as some conspiracy theory organized by Bush and Rove.

My favorite diary today though has to be Sept 23, 2002, Why Al Gore Should be President by davefromqueens. David pens his masterpiece by quoting at length a single speech given by Al Gore on September 23, 2002. A rambling diatribe that takes President Bush to task for contemplating an invasion of Iraq, the diarist still can’t come to grips with reality as he clearly states:
“Boy do I love this man! (The post 2000 Gore) In a time where Bush and Cheney are scaring Americans, Gore correctly stands up to the problem by pointing out that the war in Iraq weakens us and hurts our ability to fight the real terrorists. Gore says it first, even when the entire news media was cheerleading Bush.”
I suppose that since Al hasn’t changed his story in a decade and a half that all the same things he was saying before 2000 couldn’t possibly be the truth.

To round out the gallery, the kos kids have once again elevated their favorite media megalomaniac, Keith Olberman to the high alter of kossakdom with the promotion of The King of Everything: Olbermann's Commentary Tonight by SusanHu. Susan reminds us that tonight the high priest of idiotarianism will go after Condoleezza Rice:
"[W]ho chastised the renegades in Congress who would dare to curb a renitent Bush
administration by legislating troop withdrawal or revising the 2002 Iraq authorization."
That’s right friends; Olberman will attack the Secretary of State for reminding the members of Congress that surrender is not an option we should be even considering.

Is it any wonder why we question their patriotism?

The Baroness knew them before we did, and they murdered the finest of French culture and threw that country into 200 years of turmoil, before they could be stopped. Will we allow them to do the same to us before they are stopped?

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