April 4, 2007

Four-Day Operation Results in Eight Terrorists Killed; Several Weapons, Explosives Caches Destroyed

Release A070403b

BAGHDAD, Iraq – During a recent four-day operation beginning March 30 in Arab Jabour targeting al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists, Coalition Forces killed eight terrorists, detained 13 suspects, destroyed two explosives production facilities and several weapons caches.

Coalition Forces were engaged by the enemy multiple times during the operation. Coalition Forces used appropriate defense measures to eliminate the threat resulting in eight terrorists killed.

Among the weapons caches discovered, Coalition Forces found six DShK anti-aircraft heavy machineguns, 150 rocket propelled grenades, more than 30 rockets, plastic explosives, and several hundred mortar rounds. The weapons caches were destroyed to prevent future use by terrorists.

On Monday, a Coalition Forces air strike destroyed two buildings housing large caches of explosives materials and chemicals used in the production of improvised explosive devices.
A total of 13 suspected terrorists were detained during the four-day operation.No civilians were injured during the four-day operation.

“Coalition Forces continue to tear apart the al-Qaida network inside Iraq. This operation contributes to the reduction of this VBIED terrorist network’s ability to operate,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson.

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