June 27, 2007

Iraqi Army Units Apply "Relentless" Pressure on Insurgents

Here is another example of Iraqi forces that are doing the jobs that many on the left say they won't do, mainly defending their country from terrorist interlopers:

MOSUL, Iraq – Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces detained 25 suspected insurgents in a series of raids in Mosul and Tal Afar on June 26.

Two detainees captured in one raid possessed electronic media of attacks on CF.

Another raid, west of Mosul, uncovered the body of a murdered local civilian. A cache of weapons containing a PKC machine gun, several AK-47s and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition were found and 17 suspected AIF were detained.

In a third raid, northeast of Mosul, six more arrests were made. One of the suspects is on the “most wanted list” for making improvised explosive devices and vehicle attacks. Multiple fake IDs, switches, relays, spools of wire and disassembled cell phones were also seized from the residence.

“We will continue to be relentless in our pursuit of these insurgents whose aim is to injure and kill innocent Iraqis,” said Lt. Col. Michael Boden, deputy commander, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division.
Quick someone call Harry Reid and let him know that Iraq is not lost especially since these kinds of stories, which occur and are reported upon daily, are routinely ignored by the mainstream media.

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