August 16, 2007

13 Year Old takes on Dems and Journalists

Steel Dragon, the 13 year old daughter of TRCNAK sends this via her father:

Most News Casters and Democrats are Wrong

All of you who think Bush lied are wrong. You are just plain wrong. You are just dead wrong. It is true that we did not find any weapons of mass destruction when we got there, but that is not the only reason why we went over there. The reason we didn’t find any weapons over there was because Iraq shipped them out to Yemen, Syria and Iran before we got there. So, that is one reason.

Another reason is they attacked us first. Did you forget about that? Yes? Well let me refresh your memory. They hijacked planes, crashed into our world trade center. (This by the way killed people.) Then they crashed into the pentagon, this one killed 125 people just in the pentagon. The last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. All of those people on all of those planes died, plus the people in the pentagon and world trade center. So, yeah didn’t think about that did you?

We are still over in Iraq because we have to stabilize the country and make sure history does not repeat itself. I don’t know how old you are but earlier when former President Jimmy Carter let Iran have their country back they attacked us by taking 53 American soldiers as well as diplomats hostage. Iran is currently our enemy. Now if we don’t stabilize Iraq and we give it back now more people will die and we will have made a mistake because we will have let history repeat itself.

The news, which you all believe but shouldn’t, cuts President Bush off. What I mean by that is they ask him one reason and they stick with that. Then, if President Bush doesn’t follow through they totally swarm him. So, then you all start calling him a liar which he wasn’t. There were many reasons we went to war, but no you all don’t focus on that, you only care about what he does wrong. Well I have news for you. Everyone makes mistakes but mistakes show you tried to do something. So, you all should make an effort to stop being critics. You people standing in Bush’s way are slowing him down in the effort to make a better America.

Elegant in its simplicity.

I'd say that some democratic members of congress in her home state might have some explaining to do to this 13 year old constituent, as her assessment of their actions is right on.

What's that Infantry saying: "Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!"

Way to go Steel Dragon.

UPDATE/CORRECTION: Steel Dragon has notified me via the comments that she is 14. I apologize for the mistake.

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