October 18, 2007

Third Times the Charm

Or so the saying goes, however the media’s third time to disparage Iraq and the mission there once again falls flat.

On Monday they trotted out the Dirty Dozen and their historical/hysterical assessment of Iraq and the call for a national draft to ease the stress. Yesterday the media regaled us with the plight of Iraqi Cemetery Workers whose lively hood is being squashed by the recent drop in violence, and today they attempt to connect Iraq with Vietnam once again as they pull out all the stops and focus on the phenomenon of fragging and are dismayed to find that it isn’t occurring now.

What do all of these stories have in common, they are all base attempts to throw the war under a cloak of suspicion and to cloud one’s assessment of the current facts so as to make them susceptible to suggestion, and that suggestion is that the war is unnecessary and illegal. What other conclusion can we draw from the recent surge of news articles and opinion pieces coming from the newsrooms and broadcast booths of today’s media? Iraq has turned the corner under General Petraeus and the left dominated media can’t stand it.

In response the media has opened up their decades old playbook and have taken it upon them selves to discredit the war in the eyes of America. Their efforts to demoralize the troops are intended to bring about the same conclusion as they wrought with Vietnam, to make the grunt on the ground and the family back home believe that all is lost, that their sacrifices are for naught and that the only solution is to come home with our tail between our legs, but in doing so they show their naiveté towards today’s communications boom. They have forgotten that they are not the sole source of information out of Iraq and that in response to their one shrill voice there are literally thousands of softer voices speaking the truth about the mission and the successes that are occurring.

When the media begins digging deep for the bad news about victory, I know we are doing the right thing in Iraq.

In what can only be described as a bonus round of negligence and subversion the New York Times today runs a “commercial” for Islamic Jihad: Know Thine Enemy. You have to see it to believe it.

Also writing about the current media failures and subterfuge is McQ of Q and O - Headline of the Week

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