Tip leads Iraqi National Police to large munitions cache - BAGHDAD – Iraqi National Police officers seized a munitions cache after receiving a citizen tip in the New Baghdad district of eastern Baghdad March 21. Policemen from 1st Battalion, 4th Brigade, 1st Iraqi National Police Division received a tip and after investigation of the area, uncovered seven 107 mm artillery rounds and 80 122 mm artillery rounds. (READ MORE)
MND-B Soldiers attacked by IED - BAGHDAD – Three Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers were killed when an improvised explosive device struck their vehicle during a patrol northwest of Baghdad March 22. Two Iraqi civilians were also killed in the attack. One MND-B Soldier, initially reported as wounded, died as a result of his injuries. (READ MORE)
Former Army vice chief of staff visits Besmaya and Taji - BAGHDAD – Retired Gen. Jack Keane, former army vice chief of staff, visited members of the Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq Mar. 22. Keane visited the Besmaya Range Complex, which is the epicenter for multiple training facilities for the Iraqi Army to include the Bomb Disposal School, Unit Set Fielding, and Combined Arms School. (READ MORE)
Iraqi Police add new trucks to fleet through Foreign Military Sales Program (Baghdad) - BAGHDAD – Supplying a growing police force that has doubled in the past three years presents challenges to continually meet this growing demand. But, the Ministry of Interior is proving it can meet these requirements through the Foreign Military Sales program that is bringing thousands of new vehicles and other equipment into Iraq, said the Ministry of Interior's MG Abdulameer. (READ MORE)
One terrorist killed, 21 detained in operations against al-Qaeda (Karwi) - BAGHDAD – Coalition forces killed one terrorist and detained 21 suspected terrorists during operations Friday and today targeting the al-Qaeda network in central and northern Iraq. Coalition forces conducted an operation Friday near Karwi, targeting an al-Qaeda in Iraq – or AQI – explosives network. The ground forces detained eight suspected terrorists, including one man who tried to hide his weapon on a child. (READ MORE)
Iraqi Army hands out food in Ninewah province - AL KHUWAYT, Iraq – Soldiers from the 3rd Iraqi Army Division in Ninewah Province handed out food in Al Khuwayt village March 20. This was a humanitarian outreach program. The Iraqi Soldiers wanted to improve relations with the village leadership, in addition to helping the local community. (READ MORE)
GoI funds al Durai’ya power lines repair - FORWARD OPERATING BASE HAMMER, Iraq – Soldiers of 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, working with an Iraqi Ministry of Electricity representative, surveyed several damaged high-tension power line towers near al Durai’ya March 17. The day prior, Lt. Col. Jack Marr, from Minneapolis, commander of 1-15th Inf. Regt., met with Iraqi Army leadership, the Iraqi Minister of Electricity and Sheikh Majid, the local Sons of Iraq leader, to discuss repair of the towers. (READ MORE)
MND-B Soldiers capture key criminal suspect, seize weapons cache (Baghdad) - BAGHDAD – The capture of key criminal suspects by Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers also led to the seizure of a weapons cache in the Mansour District in northwestern Baghdad March 19. Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery Regiment, attached to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), captured the individual during a mission to capture him. (READ MORE)
Diyala leaders meet to establish tribal support councils (Diyala) - SA’AD MUHAMMED, Iraq – Influential leaders from throughout Diyala province gathered at a home in Sa’ad Muhammed, Iraq, March 20 to establish tribal support councils. More than 1,000 people attended the gathering at the home of Sheik Dura Fayyadh Al-Amiri. Representatives of the central government, the governor, members of the provincial council, the Iraqi Army and Police commanders for the province and sheiks throughout Diyala attended. (READ MORE)
Soldiers Continue Work to Maintain Security Gains in East Mosul - MOSUL — Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, are working the latest phase of the fight against al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) by living among Iraqi citizens at Combat Outpost Knight in eastern Mosul, and gaining their trust by constant patrolling and interaction. “We conduct atmospherics gathering, talk to the local populace and see what their needs are, what their security level is,” said 1st Lt. Larry Gwinn, of Richmond, W. Va., a platoon leader with Delta Company, 1- 8 Inf. Regt. “We are working toward the next phase of operations where we bring projects into the local community and help legitimize the local government.” (READ MORE)
Soldiers Follow Insurgents’ Trail, Secure City from House to House - RAHALIYAH — The Soldiers moved under the cover of darkness. The rising sun marked the end of their journey and the start of their mission: searching a town for insurgent activity. Soldiers of Company A, 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor, joined with Iraqi Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, 1st Iraqi Army Division, along the edge of Al Anbar province to conduct a joint-clearing operation in Rahaliyah, March 9 through 11. (READ MORE)
Soldiers Link NGO, Child Needing Surgery - FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU — A young girl and her family are anxiously awaiting a decision from an organization in Los Angeles to determine the fate of her eyesight. Soldiers of Company D, 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, escorted 5-year-old Noor to the 86th Combat Support Hospital in Baghdad March 14 to have her eyes evaluated by an optometrist. (READ MORE)
Marines Show Iraqi Army the Benefits of Aircraft Insertion, Extraction - AL-ANBAR PROVINCE — As Coalition forces continue to operate throughout the Iraqi countryside, training the Iraqi security forces (ISF) to stand on their own two feet becomes an increasingly familiar scene. Third Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) does its own part in the transition process by participating in training operations involving Military in Transition (MiT) team Marines and members of the Iraqi Army (IA). The most recent exercise, involving the Marine Corps’ tilt rotor MV-22 Osprey, was designed to familiarize the Iraqi Soldiers with the capabilities of an aviation element. (READ MORE)
Key Patrol Base Takes Shape - FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU — In a bid to establish a formidable U.S. security presence near Suwayrah, Iraq, Soldiers began construction Saturday of Patrol Base Summers amid the ruins of a former Iraqi Air Force Base. In a huge convoy of fighting vehicles and tractor trailers, Soldiers from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, attached to 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, pushed toward the Tigris River from Forward Operating Base Kalsu, Iraq. (READ MORE)

Two Coalition soldiers killed in Kandahar Province - BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Two Coalition force soldiers were killed March 21 when their vehicle struck an improvised explosive device in Kandahar Province. Coalition forces, along with Afghan National Security Forces, were conducting a security patrol in the Zharmi District, when their vehicle struck a mine placed on a frequently travelled road. The names and nationalities of the deceased are being withheld pending the notification of their next of kin. (READ MORE)
UAV makes hard landing in Sarobi District - BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – A Combined Joint Task Force-82 unmanned-aerial vehicle made a hard landing in Sarobi District, Kabul Province, March 22. The UAV landed in a remote, unpopulated area. There are no reports of injuries to civilians or damage to property. “There is no indication that the UAV was shot down by enemy forces,” said Army Maj. Chris Belcher, Coalition forces spokesman. (READ MORE)
ANSF destroy insurgent route in Zabul - KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Afghan National Army and police forces, assisted by coalition forces, destroyed a secondary route March 9 frequently used by insurgents to move supplies and to launch attacks. The destruction of the route branching off Highway One will increase security and economic stability for the local villages of Takatu and Garnay, Arghandab District, Zabul Province. The District Chief, Haji Rahmatullah, conducted a jirga with representatives from both villages to gain their approval before implementing the route closure. (READ MORE)
ANP distribute food to villagers - BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Afghan National Police, assisted by Coalition forces, visited a village in Nangarhar Province March 19 to deliver humanitarian aid to assist the community’s recovery from this year’s harsh winter. More than 180 people, in the village of Qalishahi received food and other supplies from the local ANP and their Police Chief Maj. Abdul Ghrais. Mashoq, the district sub governor, and a small number of Coalition forces were also present. (READ MORE)
Coalition forces disrupt insurgent activities - BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Five suspected insurgents were detained during two Coalition forces’ operations March 20 to degrade insurgent activities in eastern Afghanistan. Coalition forces performed a search of compounds in the Andar District of Ghazni Province targeting an insurgent with links to Al Qaeda and foreign fighter facilitation operations. Coalition forces found and detained three individuals with suspected ties to the targeted insurgent, as well as Al Qaeda and foreign fighter facilitation activities. (READ MORE)
ANSF destroy IED, suicide vest factory in Zabul - KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Afghan National Security Forces, assisted by Coalition forces, destroyed an Improvised Explosive device, a suicide-vest factory and captured one insurgent in Zabul Province, March 12-16. Afghan National Police and Coalition forces were attacked by two insurgents on a motorcycle during a routine operation in Nawbahar District. ANSF engaged the enemy who fled. One insurgent was captured by the ANP and held for questioning. (READ MORE)
105 MM Howitzer operating in Afghanistan.
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan-Demolitions explode, closing an insurgent route, near Highway One in Zabul Province March 9, 2008. A large contingent of Afghan National Security Forces, assisted by Coalition forces, blocked a common insurgent supply route. Insurgents were threatening the security of the village of Takatu and Garnay. Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan courtesy photo.
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