I liked what I saw and began incorporating some of the exercises into my routine...can you say intense!
Martin takes the training warrior through a comprehensive analysis of the body and the need to train each body part for maximum effectiveness, strength and flexability. Some of my favorite exercises included the heart and lung training some of which include the use of a sledgehammer and truck tire, as well as plyometrics to build up your cardiovascular ability. As he states in the book: "A warrior must never let cardiovascular failure be the reason for defeat."
This is the same premise you'll find in the US Army Combatives school and it is valid, when it comes right down to it, you can not lose a fight because you got tired, you have to outlast your opponent if you want to come home alive.
You'll stretch, break down and build up every muscle and body part with the methods described in this book. Even if you aren't a Mixed Martial Artist, but simply a warrior serving his/her country this book and Martin's methods will have a dramtic impact on your next APFT.
I highly recommend this manual.
Coming up next....
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