June 26, 2008


Lying in bed last night with the wife reconnecting, I blurted out: "I'm tired. How did we get so busy all of the sudden?"

"Not so sure, I was hoping that once school let out for summer it would slow down," was her reply.

"Yeah. Seems like ever since then we've been non-stop."

And then the recounting of what is taking up so much time was listed.

This week alone we have 3 picnics to, cook for and attend. One was last night - eldest son's Court of Honor - he earned his 2nd Class Scout rank. One tomorrow night, Vacation Bible School, and one on Sunday, youngest son's end of year Bridging Ceremony for Cub Scouts - he is becoming a Bear Cub.

On top of that my contract has ended and been awarded to a new company so I've been involved with them, negotiating, signing forms, etc.

All of which on its own doesn't add up to much, until you add in the kicker.

Two weeks ago, the parent of one of my Cub Scouts (not only am I an Assistant Scoutmaster for eldest son's Scout Troop, but I am also the Cubmaster for youngest son's Cub Scout Pack) was arrested for possession of child pron. Of course the news didn't hit for a week so since last Thursday I've been involved in one meeting after another concerning what to do, restrictions, etc. Thankfully, but honestly I'm not quite sure yet, many of the other parent's aren't news-hounds so the news didn't result in an avalance of calls or emails. So tomorrow night, immediately following the VBS Picnic, I'm off to another meeting this time with the Charter Organization for the Pack to formalize our decisions.

As an aside, you have no idea how thankful I am that this did not break while school was in session. I have to hand it to the Scouts and Cub Scouts, they haven't taken anything out on the children of the accused but we aren't waiting, the leadership of both organizations have adopted a no tolerance policy for teasing, bullying, finger pointing or whispering groups on the part of our Scouts, Cub Scouts or adults in the presence of his family. I just can't even imagine what they are going through.

Anyhow, I hope to be back on track next week.

Thanks for sticking around.

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