June 17, 2008

Operation Love From Home: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Total cards gathered and shipped: 5,916 (this number includes 300-ish cards that were shipped early, on June 2, to a remotely-stationed group of troops with very slow mail delivery times!)

Total Cost of Shipping Supplies: $60.33

Total Cost of actual shipping: $10.95 from early shipment on June 2 of 330 cards; today's shipping cost $241.19, for a combined total shipping cost of $252.14

Grand total of Supplies & Postage: $312.47

GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! Pictures of packing party, etc., will be posted very soon on our website (once some technical difficulties have been resolved). Thank you all so much for your help and participation!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!


PS - we received three huge mail tubs full of still more cards in the mail this morning ~ guesstimating at least 1000 more cards. We will hold onto those cards for the next time! :-) Remember, we accept cards year-round, for all holidays, so never hesitate to send stuff!

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