January 29, 2009

Laptops for Literacy

HM1 Charlotte G. Ward is stationed in Iraq on her 3rd tour of duty as a Navy Corpsman. She has taken the lead on a project called “Laptops for Literacy.”

“We are working with the Marines on joint activities bringing educational resources to the local populations. We are rebuilding a school and working on literacy issues. We see the difference the availability of education has on improving lives and bringing stability and understanding to these areas.” HM1 Charlotte Ward
Soldiers’ Angels is proud to assist her in achieving her goals for one laptop per child.
To donate via PayPal: http://www.soldiersangelsladiesofliberty.com/

Checks are also accepted at Soldiers' Angels Headquarters
ATTN: Laptops for Literacy
1792 E. Washington Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91104

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