October 11, 2005

Abusing your Rights

Finally a trooper in country (Iraq) lets us know what the anti-war movement is doing to the soldiers, seems that the left has learned well from their lessons during Vietnam. Lincoln had it right when he imprisoned those who sought to succeed and spoke out against the war effort. They are not loyal Americans they are traitors and are providing aid to the enemy. How do I know this? Let’s ask Major K what he sees in country:

“When a Soldier is asked what he thinks of these protestors by a reporter, he will usually say something to the effect of, "I'm glad they have the freedom to do that in the USA. Most of the places we go, they kill people for things like that." What the Soldiers don't say, but overwhelmingly think is: "I wish they would quit working against us and abusing their freedom." I don't speak for all fighting men anymore than Cindy speaks for all of our parents. But I can tell you that I have spoken to more than she has, and very few of us here like her, and we wish she would honor her son, Casey's noble sacrifice. He truly was a hero.” Source

If that isn’t a damning analysis of the American Left then I do not know what one is. So if you are against this war and go around spouting out that false verse, “I support the troops but not the war.” Why don’t you do us a favor and just shut up and sit down. Say a prayer for a swift and victorious end to the war so that our men and women can come home and our future generations can live in peace. Then you can go back to abusing your rights.

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