January 27, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 01/27/2006

A short recon of what’s out there today that might draw your attention.

Captain B of One Marine’s View has another winner up entitled Just Another Day: “What was your day like? Yea, so was mine…………well, I bet ours was a bit different. I take for granted that you don’t know what our day is like. This is our way of life here and sometimes you think that’s all there is. You back in the states……..you’re in another world entirely.”

Pam at Iraq War Today has Hamas Rising, if you took my little quiz earlier and you think that in question #2 nothing would happen, then this is the post for you to read! “Jimmy Carter The ex-Pres was interviewed on Friday. Although he acknowledged that the "so-called terrorists" had an element "who deny Israel's right to exist," he reminded us that "there have been no complaints of corruption against [their] elected officials." Oh, goodie. I feel much better now. I'm reminded of the people that called a choice between "Saddam" and "you die" a free Iraqi election.Carter also said that "sometimes you have to learn to work with terrorists."Um....no. No, Mr. Carter, you really don't.”

Andi of Andi’s World writes about the goings on at the D-Day museum in Normandy France Turning Their Backs on History “Normandy doesn't belong to us, but it wouldn't belong to the French either were it not for us. That's why the current controversy over the D-Day Museum in France is an abomination.
THE museum set up by the French authorities to commemorate the D-Day landings is struggling under a mountain of debt amid a sharp decline in the number of visitors.
The Memorial Museum in Caen, Normandy, has been accused of mismanagement for turning its back on the Second World War to concentrate on subjects from feminism to Father Christmas. In recent months the museum has focused efforts on transforming itself into a “place of reflection on the contemporary world”.
Kudos to Claude Quétel, the former Chief Historian of the museum. Quétel was fired for speaking the truth.”

Captain Ed of Captain’s Quarter also is on the Normandy issue with I Know We’re forgetting Something: “Quick quiz: when one builds a war memorial, what one subject should not be overlooked? If you answered "the war", then you're at least two steps ahead of the French designers of a D-Day memorial in Normandy. The London Times reports today that the Memorial Museum in Caen manages to mention multiculturalism, feminism, and Father Christmas, but it neglects to focus on that big armada of ships that parked itself off of the shores of Normandy in June 1944:”

WO1 Michael Fay of Fire and Ice writes Returning to the world…of color: “Today I attended the first of several briefs that are part of the standard issue "returning to the world" readjustment process. The Marines are very aware that the transition from Iraq back to the States, from combat to home and hearth, is one that needs to be handled with the same tactical devotion as a full frontal assault on a fortified position. Today's initial meeting was conducted by a chaplain and dealt primarily with family and post-traumatic stress issues.”

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